Campaign seeks funding for collective display images you want to give visibility to stream flood

Thousands of people walk daily by Ipiranga Avenue, one of the main streets of Porto Alegre, and pass unscathed next to the creek Flood, without realizing that it is an important element in the city landscape. But it was not always so. Before the channel, there was a stream of integration in daily life, mainly us … Read more

Lemos brothers present their new projects on show at Paiol

The brothers Marcelo Brum-Lemos and Junior Lemos launch, This Wednesday (7), in the theater of the Armory, at 8:0 pm, his solo albums "You?"And" Trajectory ". Although they share the same influences, Albums have the characteristics of each artist. While Marcelo Brum-Lemos, on his album "You?”, part to a repertoire that seeks to bring a conceptual narrative, the … Read more

MPB Blues on Leila Diniz Culture Room

Next Friday, day 9 August, to 18 hours, Culture Room receives the musical presentation "MPB Blues", with free admission. Bringing Mark Kalil on harmonica and Thiago Rodrigues on the ropes, the presentation promises to combine the national bossa nova tracks with blues rhythm. O repertório conta com grandes nomes do bluesRead more

Museum of Rio Art receives presentation of the show hand - the house translation by landscape

Performance acrobatic directed by Renato Linhares back to the SEA stilts on Sunday, 11 August 11/08, 16h free entry | Free rating The Museum of Art of Rio, under the management of the Institute Odeon, receives on its stilts on Sunday, 11 August, a presentation of the show hand - Translates House For Landscape. … Read more

Baroque in Rio, baroque music festival, It has first edition in Rio de Janeiro

Event happens 30 august to 2 September and will feature musical performances, workshops and film viewing Baroque music was the "rock" of the century 18, heard and danced in the halls, encouraging the parties of the nobility. The Baroque found fertile ground in Brazil and translated to the best of our architecture. … Read more

Book talks about the importance of self-love

Connect women and their stories as a way to promote emotional regulation and increased self-esteem. This is the book proposal Autoamor, with the coordination of copyright psychologists Ellen Moraes Senra and Gizeli Hermano. The work includes analysis 21 especialistas que visam exercitar a importância da empatia entre as mulheres e mostrarRead more

Reading clubs help students prepare for exams – Vestibular UFPR

In August there will be nine meetings in six reading homes. Studies will until the eve of the first phase of the vestibular, at the end of october. The Curitiba Cultural Foundation is releasing the schedule of preppy Reading Club meetings for August. From day 06/8, in six reading homes, serão estudadas cincoRead more

In August, the Educational CCBB – Art and Education celebrates the "Father's Day"

In August, the Educational CCBB – Art and Education celebrates the "Father's Day" with Clown Show Márcio Libar in the show 'Never you will be who you are not', artistic workshops Creation Place - Special Father's Day, the Multiple Ancestral - Sarau Poetic "One Voice", entre outras atividades queRead more

“One Night Not Nothing”, new film by Alain Fresnot

"Night Is not Nothing", new film by Alain Fresnot, It will be distributed in Brazil by Imovision and has its poster and trailer released, Check, to debut in Brazilian theaters will be day 22 August. From the director of "Family Sells All", "Desmundo" and "Ed Mort", the film stars Paulo Betti, Claudia Melo, Luiza … Read more

Lyra band celebrates 37 years with tribute to Pixinguinha

Open to the public, show will take place in the auditorium of Santa Maria Chapel and guests will cheer Known for events of municipal administration, Banda Lyra Curitiba is completing 37 year career. To commemorate the date, the musical group will make a concert open to the public next Wednesday (31/7), at 8:0 pm, in the chapel Santa Maria. The … Read more
