An American Tapestry brings together works and conductor of the United States with the Choir of the Camerata

Work coral and American Regent are the highlights of the concerts that the Camerata Antiqua Choir of Curitiba shows on Friday (23) it is Saturday (24). Who holds the baton is the conductor Angela Broeker for a celebrated repertoire, covering different times, bringing from classical composer William Billings to as contemporary as Z. RandallRead more

strengthening project of the Rio Art Museum, held sponsored by BNDES, reopened on 24 August the new Library and Documentation Center SEA

reopening event will feature an extensive program that includes the opening of the exhibition "Mulambo – All our's", Creation of workshops aimed at different age groups, book launching, DJ and fair independent publications and graphic arts Saturday, 24 de agosto 10h às 18h Entrada gratuita Após uma pausa de quatro meses para serRead more

São Paulo receives international blockbuster Keanu Reeves, Carl Erik Rinsch and Gabriela Rosés Bentancor, who chose the capital of culture as a location for filming

Joint made by the City of São Paulo, the City Department of Culture through Spcine, and the State Government, with support from the Department of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo, brings to São Paulo international blockbuster, with about of 800 professionals involved in the recordings. Segundo maior destino de filmagens daRead more

Best of Bossa on Leila Diniz Culture Room

In honor of the actress Leila Diniz, Cultural Center was founded by the official press on 2011. Attached to the main building, space aims to promote various artistic events such as exhibitions, theater, musical performances and children's activities, all for free. The living room also opens its doors to the Apprentice program, who … Read more

Rio Art Museum - MAR opens registration for course free training aimed at young people

Formative paths is a cultural training and professional pilot introduction in the production chain of museums, that will offer grants of R $ 1.200,00 for young people between 16 and 21 years, graduates of public schools. subscriptions 07 to 18 August (or until 350 inscriptions) The Museu de Arte do Rio, under … Read more

Rio Art Museum welcomes the release of "amnesia Memory: forgetting policies ", Giselle Beiguelman

The launch event will feature a conversation wheel with artist and professor at USP mediated curator Clarissa Diniz 17 August, às 16h Entrada gratuita Classificação livre O Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, gets the day 17 August, at 4:00 pm, o lançamentoRead more

Galeria Brasiliana

The emergence of Galeria Brasiliana was the result of a personal journey by researcher and dealer Roberto Rugiero through the art market, began in the 70. Brasiliana Gallery understand folk art as sophisticated, elegant and great value. Sobre a Galeria Brasiliana A Galeria Brasiliana é resultado da atuação pessoal do pesquisador e marchand RobertoRead more

SESC Santo André receives the Rotary Stage, which brings news in its 22nd edition

Current edition of the Rotary Stage Festival in São Paulo with the participation of 20 several states companies, which will add more than 40 artistic performances, plus theater workshops, meetings and debates The Rotating Stage, National circuit performing arts SESC, chega à 22ª edição como uma ação integrada que fomentaRead more

Glory Chapel promotes cultural week

The Chapel of Glory, which was restored by the city and reopened in August last year, have one week marked by concert, lectures and cultural activities. The program starts on Friday (9/8), at 19h, with the presentation of the female choir Collegium Cantorum, and extends until next Thursday (15/8), com a entrega do monumentoRead more

Chamber Orchestra plays with soil and direction of Los Santos Carmel

virtuoso violinist, Gaucho Los Santos Carmel will be the soloist and musical director of the concert that the Chamber Orchestra of the City of Curitiba shows on Friday (9/8) it is Saturday (10/8), in the chapel Santa Maria. With an international curriculum, Carmel holds, In addition to the name, a major highlight instrument: a violin Carl Becker … Read more
