September came and the spring in the Education CCBB - Art and Education!

Highlights of the program include the “Place of Creation – Independence Day Special” workshop., actions aimed at the "Person Fight Week with Disabilities", that brings the show "Sensorium", the Inclusive Dance Group Body Moving. Free entrance. Dance, theater, mediated visits for groups, educational activities and the "Spring of Museums", … Read more

Event unites people for the sake of the Portuguese language

Uniting people and honor the native language. These are the objectives of the Sixth Meeting of Poets of the Portuguese Language, What happens on the day 5 September, in Rio de Janeiro. The event features lectures, poetic presentation, musical and release commemorative anthology. Besides Brazil, the issue will be held in Africa, in Guinea-Bissau, … Read more

John Uchôa Cinema Course receives director of the hit TV Globo

The attraction will be open to the public and completely free of charge with the aim of bringing together the great professionals of Cinema and TV with their students, teachers, graduates and the general public, Francisco Malta – coordenador do curso de Cinema da Estácio do campus João Uchôa – receberá Vinicius Coimbra – diretor de grande sucesso daRead more

Book "The Kitchen" will be released in the Library Argument Leblon

A obra conta com apoio da Estácio e foi produzida por professores e egressos do curso de Gastronomia da instituição Com o objetivo de oferecer uma boa referência dos fundamentos da cozinha profissional àqueles que estudam e se interessam em realizar um trabalho de qualidade, the organizers Laura Miranda da Rocha and Renata Matoso, in … Read more

Cia de Bittencourt Dance (MG) presents Dance performance “Empower Women!” – feminist activism in art – single date – farm 12 September, at 20h in Teatro Cacilda Becker (RJ)

For the first time on the scene in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Cia de Bittencourt Dance (Uberlândia, MG), under the direction of Claudia Bittencourt, premiere with the presentation of the show Empodere as Mulheres!, by Karyne Bittencourt, made possible by State Law for the Encouragement of Minas Gerais culture and sponsorship of the Institute Algar. O palco doRead more

Works auction embuenses artists will take place on 31/8

As an incentive to Embu das Artes artists, will be held the “Artworks Auction” on 31/8 (Saturday), from 10pm, at the Cultural Center of Assisi Master Embu (Largo 21 April, 29, Center). Will be auctioned off 115 works of 63 artistas da cidade e o evento ocorrerá de modo presencial eRead more

3AW illustrates the agency's track record in the artist panel Dalton Romao

. Agency celebrates 32 years . Artwork 21 m² brings images that refer to the history of the Rio de Janeiro agency, 28 August 2019 - To celebrate 32 years of Foundation, 3AW installed to a panel of 21 m² at its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, illustrating his career three decades, desde a suaRead more

In the International Year of Indigenous Languages, Tomorrow Museum launches "Living Time - Indigenous Matrix"

Museum of tomorrow. Photo: Bernard Lessa.

With the theme "Ecology of languages", program will have musical activity, read excerpts from "The fall of the sky", David Kopenawa and Bruce Albert, with the participation of Camila Pitanga and other guests, e Clube de Leitura sobre a obra No Ano Internacional das Línguas Indígenas, celebrated by UNESCO in this 2019, the Museum of Tomorrow … Read more

Lopes Supermarkets sponsors one of the largest graphite galleries in Brazil

The project reinforces the network's proximity to the community by valuing local culture Lopes Supermercados sponsors, in Itapevi, West Zone of São Paulo, a major project of urban art: a West Side Gallery Itapevi. The mural 630 metros de extensão está entre as maiores galerias de grafite do BrasilRead more

Botafogo French alliance brings to Brazil the pocket opera "Boum Mon Boeuf, offering an eclectic repertoire with popular music from Corsica and merengue Venezuela

Saturday, day 24 August, at 11 am in the auditorium of AF Botafogo. Admission is free! The French Alliance presents Botafogo Saturday, to 11 hours the pocket opera "Boum Mon Boeuf" with singer and musician Claire Luzi (voice, mandolin and accordion) and Rio musician Cristiano Nascimento (steel guitar 7 strings and trombone), … Read more
