Government of São Paulo presents the First Edition Andrade Festival - The Book Virada

São Paulo won its first street party dedicated to books and reading, through the Municipal Secretary of Culture, with more than 150 free activities, between days 4 and 6 October, em onze pontos da cidade Nomes nacionais e internacionais como Ailton Krenak, Mia Couto, Isabela Figueiredo, Fernanda … Read more

September came and the spring in the Education CCBB – Art and education!

Are highlights of the program actions aimed at the "Person Fight Week with Disabilities", that brings the show "Sensorium", the Inclusive Dance Group Body Moving. Free entrance. Dance, theater, mediated visits for groups, educational activities and the "Spring of Museums". O PROGRAMA CCBB EDUCATIVO — ARTE E EDUCAÇÃO desenvolve ações queRead more

ALERT: Testament of Dom Eugenio is stolen in Ecuador

A historical document was stolen Ecuador's Historical Archives. This is the Testament of Dr. Don Eugenio Mirror, important personality who served on the Independence process in that country, was in the 18th century. The cultural property is described as follows by Ecuadorian authorities: "Testament of Dr. Don Eugenio Espejo, Sixth Doctor Notaria Guarderas, Corresponding book … Read more

Five reasons for those who want to launch a book

Organize ideas and stories to yield a book, It is not always easy. To help in this mission, Eduardo Villela lists some reasons for those who want to publish a book The Brazilian filmmaker Glauber Rocha, exponent of the new cinema in Brazil, argued that a camera in hand and an idea in the head, era o início para seRead more

Camerata Antiqua Choir pays tribute to English composers

Words in music, voice music. With this tonic watered by English writers, the Camerata Antiqua de Curitiba Choir presents two performances on the weekend. Shakespeare texts to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams are featured program. O concerto tem regência de Mara Campos e solos da soprano Luísa Fávero e do tenorRead more

Camerata Apprentice on Leila Diniz Culture Room

The Apprentice Camerata presents on 25 September, at 12:30, in the series "Concerts in the press", Leila Diniz Culture Room. The entrance will be free. Debuting the new line in the Culture Room, Camerata Apprentice presents a concert dedicated especially to the British rock band The Beatles international. Misturando o clássico comRead more

lyrical song – Free show on Friday (20/9)

Espetáculo grátis nesta sexta Concertos didáticos do Núcleo de Ópera na Capela Santa Maria Quem gosta de ópera ou quer conhecer um pouco sobre canto lírico não pode perder o concerto aberto ao público que os alunos do Núcleo de Ópera Comunitário da Fundação Cultural de Curitiba fazem nesta sexta-feira (20/9), from the 8:00 pm, … Read more

7º Official Concert Percussion Group Life with Art

In the days 24 and 25/9 happens the 7th official Concert Percussion Group Life with Art. The shows are scheduled for the 20h, on Tuesday, in São Leopoldo, no Anfiteatro On. Werner and Wednesday, in Porto Alegre, Teatro Unisinos. The repertoire of the evening will be quite eclectic, entre as canções estão Mulher RendeiraRead more

Terrace Cine Walk receives fair entrepreneurial

The Terrace Walk receives this Saturday (21) e domingo (22) the creative economy event "Your Fair". The initiative proposed by Balaio of Colab Cat seeks to promote the work of women entrepreneurs in Curitiba, with concepts involving collaborative economy, fashion and sustainable design. About of 20 expositoras e marcas independentes de Curitiba vão mostrar seusRead more

Reynaldo Gianecchini and several famous will be on show in Brazil China Cinema in Rio de Janeiro

. Arthur Chen and actor and screenwriter Junior Provesi organize Shows Film China Brazil in Rio de Janeiro and meet celebrities like Reynaldo Gianecchini, Deborah Evelyn, Sonia Bridi e Carlos Vereza Com o objetivo de estreitar os laços entre os dois países, acontece a primeira Mostra de Cinema Brasil China no Rio deRead more
