Notice the City Hall supports presentation curitibanos artists projects in Brazil and abroad

To support the presentation of Curitiba cultural projects out of Curitiba, in other cities, States and countries, is the goal of the State Circulation Notice, National and international, Municipal Fund of culture, that is with open enrollment to 24 October. Projects in all cultural areas can benefit from resources to passages, lodging, … Read more

Hall calls researchers to unravel the city to Curitiba

Through three notices, eight works in the form of articles and transcriptions will share the diversity and ancient life of the city with its people Projects related to the preservation and dissemination of the city's cultural memory can participate in the notices opened by the City Hall in the areas of intangible heritage, urban research and documentary collections. … Read more

The show Kiss on Asphalt wins unprecedented mount debut at SESC Santo André

Considered a classic of Brazilian theater, tragedy written by Nelson Rodrigues in 1960 é encenada pelo diretor Bruno Perillo em temporada inédita no ABC e São Paulo Considerado um dos maiores legados do teatro de Nelson Rodrigues, The Kiss on the Asphalt gets new assembly with debut season at SESC Santo André between days … Read more

Singer Jay Vaquer performs with the Orchestra Rope Base

National Pop Rock, that style as well navigated by Orchestra Rope Base will be presented at the shows that take place in the days 12 and 13 October, in the theater of the Armory. The guest this time is Jay Vaquer, known for songs like Away from Here, Lack that lack does and can thank. The Artist … Read more

8Edition of the Faculty highlights the black feminism and celebrates the spoken poetry

First held in Rio Art Museum - SEA, in Port Area, literary festival honors the Pernambuco poet Solano Trindade Symbol of the African heritage in Rio de Janeiro, the city's port area receives the 8th edition of the Literary Festival of the Peripheries (FLUP). From 16 to 20 October, o festival desembarca noRead more

In the week of children Villa-Lobos unites dance and drama to the sound of Camerata Antiqua

To celebrate Children's Day, more than 50 dance artists, music and theater come together in the Teatro Positivo stage, day 12 October, for Villa-Lobos concert for Children. The show teaches about the world of classical music from the story of the boy Tuhu, the little Heitor Villa-Lobos that, no world … Read more

The 12th edition of the French Alliance Song Festival 2019 reaches semifinal

Ten candidates perform live at the Alliance Française Tijuca, open to the public event, day 10 October, at 7:30 pm and compete for the spot in the final, que premiará o primeiro colocado com viagem à Paris com acompanhante 12ª edição do Festival da Canção Aliança Francesa Promovido pela Aliança Francesa apoio de Air France eRead more

São Paulo will meet on the Shroud of Turin from the Holy, Art and Science

Relic renowned researcher, Prof. Dr. Jack Barnett, will do an analysis of the theme based on his unprecedented research Have you ever imagined analyzing one of the most exciting enigmas still present in humanity, the Holy Shroud of Turin, using areas of knowledge, the principle, They look completely different from one another, mas estão mais interligadas do que seRead more

Municipal Culture Fund will fund projects illustrators and cartoonists

They will receive R $ 300 thousand to execution 15 projects. Value is part of a new contribution to finance initiatives from different cultural segments. Illustrators, cartoonists and cartoonists have to 24 October to enroll in Comics Notice 2020/2021, the Curitiba Cultural Foundation. The selected projects will receive resources from the Municipal Culture Fund … Read more

Book Launch “Rio de Janeiro Lost and Recovered” Ana de Borelli [Fifth, day 3]

Com prefácio de Alfredo Sirkis livro apresenta importantes construções do século passado que desapareceram da paisagem carioca e outras preservadas que foram reintegradas a paisagem urbana da cidade em grande estilo Com apuro gráfico a edição fine art traz imagens de acervos importantes e ilustrações originais, icons of each project, mapas e gravuras da cidadeRead more