Apprentice Chorus in the Leila Diniz Culture Room

The Apprentice Choir presents on 30 October, at 12:30, in the series "Concerts in the press", the room Leila Diniz. The entrance will be free. The Apprentice Program | Music in Schools – initiative supported by the Niterói City Hall - always presents its Reference Groups in the series of concerts Leila Diniz Culture Room, … Read more

“Through Glass” It offers glassmaking art workshops in São Paulo

Between November and January, plastic artist Debora Muszkat carries out the project with courses for beginners and advanced students São Paulo, October 2019 - On Monday, day 28, It takes place the opening of the project "Through the Glass", in São Paulo, created by the artist Debora Muskat. Precursor art with the substance, ela oferece entre outubro eRead more

Book and the play tells the coming of William Faulkner to Brazil

The play "A Bourbon to Faulkner" has two performances scheduled, Thursday (24) it's Friday (25), at 8:0 pm, Theater in Londrina, Curitiba Memorial. The theatrical play tells the troubled passage of American writer William Faulkner (1897-1962) by Brazil. The event also will launch the eponymous book, escrito por Marco AntônioRead more

Academic Diversity already has plot for carnival 2020

Earlier this month a meeting with the mayor Marcelo Crivella, President Riotur, Marcelo Alves addition to the board of Independent League of Samba Schools in Brazil (Liesb), It gave a boost in associations. The release of the grant of R $ 3 million for parades 2020 do Grupo Especial da IntendenteRead more

São Paulo in Literature is a lecture theme in Ema House Museum Klabin

Meeting discusses writers often inspired in the metropolis as: Alvares de Azevedo, Mário de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade, Alcantara Machado, Guilherme de Almeida, zélia gattai, Ana Miranda, José Roberto Walker Dia 26 and October, Saturday, from 11h to 13h, a Casa-Museu Ema Klabin promove a palestra “São Paulo na Literatura: imagens e identidades deRead more


The Baroque Music Center of Versailles (CMBV), the Baroque Orchestra of Unirio (BOTH), the Alliance Française, o Museu Nacional de Belas Artes e a Sala Cecília Meireles apresentam no mês de outubro a 5ª Semana de Música Barroca Destaques da programação, concert soloists OBU and special guests, além de masterclass sobreRead more

Mana Bernardes autographs his book "Rites Sunrise to Farrow" in Sustainable Turnaround

Performance-installation author at Parque Lage brings the site of emotion against their parents, Rute Casoy and Sergio Bernardes The story of the author Mana Bernardes begins at Parque Lage. It was there that his mother, the poet and art therapist Ruth Casoy, He received the unusual his father's invitation, filmmaker Sergio Bernardes, para vestirRead more

face auction gathers precious pieces of Brazilian sacred art and contemporary works

A collection of 210 lots, with valuable pieces of Brazilian sacred art and also contemporary, It will be auctioned on 22 October from 20.30 at the headquarters of Dutra Auctions, Traditional shot company of rare and historical objects. The event is preceded by an exhibition of these items to day 21 October, from … Read more

Notice the City Hall supports presentation curitibanos artists projects in Brazil and abroad

To support the presentation of Curitiba cultural projects out of Curitiba, in other cities, States and countries, is the goal of the State Circulation Notice, National and international, Municipal Fund of culture, that is with open enrollment to 24 October. Projects in all cultural areas can benefit from resources to passages, lodging, … Read more

Hall calls researchers to unravel the city to Curitiba

Through three notices, oito trabalhos na forma de artigos e transcrições vão compartilhar a diversidade e a vida antiga da cidade com o seu povo Projetos referentes à preservação e difusão da memória cultural da cidade podem participar dos editais abertos pela Prefeitura nas áreas de patrimônio imaterial, urban research and documentary collections. … Read more
