Concerto – No fiber Gerzmava Theatro Municipal

Ministry of Citizenship, State Government of Rio de Janeiro, Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy, Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, Association of Friends of the Municipal Theater, Great Voices and Petrobras present: For the first time in Rio de Janeiro, soprano Hibla Gerzmava ends the debut season of the series Grandes Vozes, … Read more

OPERA FOR CHILDREN – days 5 and 6 November at the Teatro Riachuelo

La Belle Lisse Poire du Prince de Motordu In two unique presentations, no Teatro Riachuelo, days 5 and 6 November! Adaptação da obra "Beauty Smooth Pear Prince of Motordu", the famous author and illustrator "PEF", Pierre Elie Ferrier, a ópera conta a história de como as pessoas podem ser aceitas pela coletividadeRead more

In November, the program of the Educational CCBB - Art & Education celebrates the "National Literacy Day"

In November, the program of the Educational CCBB - Art & Education celebrates the "National Literacy Day" with storytelling, Game languages, workshops for children and their families and courses for teachers. The multiple Ancestral - Drawing Workshop MAHKU presents the collective of artists-researchers Huni Kuin, coming from Acre (BC), … Read more

Ask 'The Tenant', Fabio Takeo, mix Anton Chekhov and research on life in judicial asylums and Brazilian psychiatric hospitals

Show with the Stanislavsky Studio is on display at the Agora Theater to 15 of december, with sessions on Saturdays and Sundays, at 5 pm In dialogue with the struggle of the Anti-asylum Movement, the show “The Tenants”, de Fábio Takeo com o Estúdio Stanislávski, conta a história de almas abandonadas e solitárias que travam uma batalha intensa para viverRead more

Program to encourage reading of Curitiba in the final national award

The "Curitiba Reads", reading incentive program carried out by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, It is a finalist for the 4th edition of the Reading Pictures Award, promoted by the Pro-Book Institute (SP). The aim of the awards, supported by the National Book Chamber, é valorizar e divulgar iniciativas bem-sucedidas no campo de formação de leitores e do estímulo àRead more

Eduardo Climachauska makes performance with lyric tenor at the Earth's Core

The artist, composer and filmmaker Climate (Eduardo Climachauska) It presents day 5 November, Tuesday, at 8:0 pm, new performance at the Center of the Earth. Ride, Clown! It is a blend of performance and show with the participation of the opera singer Giovanni Tristacci, who will be representing Pierrot. Then comes a show with Climate own (voice … Read more

Tendal da Lapa receive the first edition of the Fair 616

Several free attractions take place in the multiverse scattered in space. On 02 November the Tendal da Lapa receives the Fair 616. In this first edition, the organization plunged into the geek universe, nerd, otaku, otome, sci-fi and pop culture. Check out all the multiverse, that have accessible spaces, diverse and open to all. multiverse Fandom … Read more

The São Paulo scenic dance is the theme of cultural plots program

The free subscriptions are now open in the Ema House Museum Klabin site, are 40 vacancies in November, Casa-Museu Ema Klabin promotes the program Tramas Culturais with the theme “Fragments and encounters in scenic dance in São Paulo”. There will be four meetings, always on Thursdays, from 19:30 to 2130, guided by a PhD in Social History, Simone Alcantara. Registrations are … Read more

Chamber Orchestra presents Handel's operas with Marilia Vargas soil

In program dedicated to Handel Heroines, the Chamber Orchestra of the City of Curitiba performs symphonies and arias from operas Alcina, Rinaldo and Julius Caesar, with soprano solos Marilia Vargas and musical direction by Fernando Cordella. The concerts take place on Friday (25/10), at 8:0 pm, and on Saturday (26/10), às 18h30, in the chapel … Read more

“That justice be with you”, fan meeting in CCJF #StarWarsNoCCJF

In the days 09 and 10 November, the CCJF hold the event “That justice be with you”, feito em parceria com Conselho Jedi Rio de Janeiro e apoiado pela Escola Zion. ? Este encontro de fãs girará em torno do universo de Star Wars, tendo como fio condutor as relações com o Direito. Promoverá discussõesRead more
