Jessica Pratt replaces Hibla Gerzmava at the Municipal Theater on Friday, day 15

Ministry of Citizenship, State Government of Rio de Janeiro, Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy, Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, Association of Friends of the Municipal Theater, Great Voices and Petrobras present: Jessica Pratt closes the debut season of the Great Voices series, along with the Symphony Orchestra of the Municipal Theater, no … Read more

Tribute to composer Fernando Lewis Mattos

A year after his death (in 4 th November of 2018), a recital within the Porto Alegre Book Fair program pays tribute to composer Fernando Lewis de Mattos. Professor of Ufrgs, he was a notorious reference in string instruments and the composer who most created pieces for recorder in the country, além de entusiastaRead more

SEA promotes children's workshop inspired by the Black Awareness Day on Saturday (16)

16 November, from 14h to 17h Free registrations Free classification In honor of the month of Black Consciousness, the Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, You receive a special program on Saturday, 16 November. The 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, the museum promotes the Creation Workshop “black Nobility – Our … Read more

Mounting 'Audience', the Czech Václav Havel, celebrates 30 anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, which marked the beginning of the democratization process in the Czech Republic

Translated from the Czech by Luis Felipe Labaki and directed by Juliana Valente, play by Coletivo Cardume criticizes authoritarianism. Show debut SP Theater School Day 29 November Little staged in Brazil, of the poet, playwright, ativista e ex-presidente tcheco Václav Havel (1936-2011) It was one of the leaders of the Velvet Revolution, movimento pacíficoRead more

Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro receives important expressions of Black Culture Amapaense

prayer shows, Praises and Batuques from Quilombo do Curiaú bring music produced with quilombola influence to the Rio audience. The Cultural CAIXA Rio de Janeiro gets 14 to 17 November (Thursday to Sunday) the artistic occupation Prayers, Praise and Batuques Quilombo Curiaú, with several artists Amapá. During these days, o público vaiRead more

fans against Star Wars tomorrow, no CCJF #StarWarsNoCCJF

The CCJF AND THE COUNCIL JEDI RIO DE JANEIRO PRESENT: “THE JUSTICE IS WITH YOU” Tomorrow we will have the premiere event “That justice be with you“, organized by CCJF and the Jedi Council Rio de Janeiro, and supported by Zion School and the SISEJUFE. O evento consiste em um grande encontro de fãs daRead more

Book deals with racism from the perspective of psychology

Address and reflect on racism in Brazil through a psychological perspective. This is the proposal of the book "Psychology and the essence of blackness", authored the psychologists Livia Marques and Ellen Moraes. The work deals with sensitive issues of the black population, and which are less discussed, Unfortunately, normalized by society. With the … Read more

In theaters in SP Theater School, pop instagramável comedy 'It Between Us' has translated into Pounds session on 9 November

Directed by Mauro Baptista Vedia, show has a visagism of drag Paulette Pink and brings in the cast Juliana Ferreira, Luciana Severi and Felipe de Paula. Audience can take photos in this environment after the session Freely inspired by the text “De Alma Lavada”, Sergio Roveri, a comédia pop dramática “Ela Entre Nós”, com direção de Mauro BaptistaRead more

Book shows how to deal with challenging children

In order to show how it is possible to win the Oppositional-Defiant Disorder, child neurologist Clay Brites and psycho Luciana Brites launch the book "Challenging Children". The proposal is to present the best strategies to end the war at home. The neurologist said that the TOD, usually, é associado à birra ou confundidoRead more

Book: Memoirs of an Application Driver Wilton Mitsuo Miwa

Two and a half years ago, by referral from a friend, I decided to download the driver application and try the game. The curious thing is that the idea of ​​writing the book occurred on my first day of activity when I picked up a passenger who during the entire trip was wielding a pistol.. Não se tratava de uma tentativa deRead more
