“Festival Toriba Musical” continues with two lyrical recitals and a piano recital with Beethoven sonatas

Marly Montoni, soprano and Ulysses Montoni, tenor, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The Toriba Musical Festival continues this week with three more performances in the Fireplace Room of the Hotel Toriba, always at 19 hours, live and with audience presence. On Wednesday, 18 Nov, soprano Marly Montoni and tenor Ulisses Montoni make the whole program with songs from great Broadway musicals. In … Read more

Brazil registers increase in religious books in recent years

Larissa Pessoa. Photo: Disclosure.

Despite the considerable increase, authors and publishers expressed the difference in numbers Data from the Production and Sales of the Brazilian Editorial Sector survey indicate an increase in 2%, between 2006 and 2019, in sales of religious books in Brazil. The percentage is not big, mas alguns autores nacionais dentro do segmento cristão notaram uma diferençaRead more

FLISP accounts for more than 5.000 books sold at a face-to-face event

FLISP 2020, 1ª São Paulo Literary Festival, banner. Disclosure.

The 1st Literary Festival of São Paulo received 2,5 thousand rotating visitors and recorded growth figures in the publishing market Last Sunday (08) It happened, in person, the 1st Literary Festival of São Paulo. The event, with ten publishers present, lasted about 11 hours and counted 5.500 livros vendidos com rotação de 2,5 thousand visitors among readers, editors … Read more

Five national romantic comedy books to read and fall in love with

Carol Sabar. Photo: Disclosure.

Discover some novel works by Brazilian writers Love stories have captivated readers for centuries. The lightweight structure of a romance narrative with the long-awaited happy ending has long been used and can even be considered saturated. But the truth is, good romantic comedies can be very … Read more

From Abstract to Concrete

Rodrigo Machado, featured. Photo: Personal archive.

Series of chats simplifies the processes of cultural production Behind any project – planning, costs and execution – make up crucial stages for its realization. Present and discuss these topics, thoroughly and in an uncomplicated way, is what the series of conversations proposes. Born amid quarantine and idealized by the cultural producer Tatiana … Read more

This week, the “Festival Toriba Musical” has two lyrical recitals, with sopranos Karen Stephanie and Aymée Elisa, and the Amabile Quartet playing Beethoven

Karen Stephanie, soprano & Johnny France, baritone. Photo: Disclosure.

Toriba Musical Festival continues to bring the best quality music to Campos do Jordão, in live presentations and with audience presence. This week, three more presentations in the Fireplace Room at Hotel Toriba, at 7:30 pm. On Wednesday, 11 Nov, a lyrical recital with soprano Aymée Elisa and bass Rogério Nunes. … Read more

Rio de Janeiro hosts event on “Cinema and Post-Production: between Magic and Technique ”

Eduardo Halfen, special effects. Disclosure.

The attraction will be free and completely open to the external public. 10 to 13 November, from 10h to 19h, big screen lovers from all over Brazil will be able to participate in the Cinema Week, that will happen through the Instagram of the Cinema Course of the Estácio Tom Campus … Read more

Multimedia artist Jef Telles, from the core 2, launches ‘Abyss’ webseries on Instagram

Abyss. Photo: Jorge Etecheber.

Work is interactive and has an action that will reward the public through the selection of videos Created and starred by the artist Jef Telles, director of the Core Group 2, multimedia art collective with 15 years of history, the webseries “Abyss” makes his debut on Instagram (@artenucleo2). The work consists of adapting to the virtual environment … Read more

Champion of the springs of life

Celina Moraes. Photo: Disclosure.

Celina Moraes * To 6 years, Itamar cut sugar cane to help parents support their home. He dreamed big. I wanted to be a fighter pilot. At the age of 16 years, cut cane by day and studied at night, and dreamed of enlisting in the Air Force in Recife, but a few days before the enlistment, an unforeseen situation prevented him and this … Read more

Cultural association opens 100 vacancies for new salespeople of Revista Traços

Cultural association opens 100 vacancies for new salespeople of Revista Traços. Disclosure.

Project aimed at homeless people starts to serve people who were unemployed during the pandemic of the covid-19 The Traços de Comunicação e Cultura Association opens 100 vacancies for new Culture Spokespersons, as the sellers of Revista Traços are called. The art and culture publication has been sold for five years in … Read more
