School Commission – Discovering Our History

Historic Center of Planaltina. Photo: Johnatan Reis da Silva.

The history of cultural reference sites in the Planaltina region (DF), gains records from research carried out by public school students with a view to strengthening ties between the population and the city. 2021, 120 students from six public schools will conduct research in order to rescue … Read more

Avant Première Arte Inclusiva – Paralympics, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Avant Première Arte Inclusiva - Paralympics. Disclosure.

Art has always been present in the history of mankind, being the legitimate expression of the representation of a society and its culture. Does not matter, not when, nor where, nor how and by whom it was made. There is no beautiful or ugly art, there is simply “Art“. Art was not meant to be understood, but rather to be … Read more

Soul from Lisbon present in the streets of Rio de Janeiro is the theme of the next script 100% Rolé Carioca virtual tour

hang out Carioca 2020, Paço Imperial. Photo: RioTur.

In December, the “Memórias Rio Lisboa” tour walks through the main references of the Portuguese occupation in Rio lands. Seat of the Lusitanian Empire between 1808 and 1820, Rio was for a long time the city with the second largest Portuguese population in the world, only behind Lisbon. From the traditional codfish cake to the century-old warehouses spread across the … Read more

Odilon Esteves debuts literary play IN THE ROOM WITH CLARICE, in the celebration of the centenary of Clarice Lispector at the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center

Odilon Esteves, featured. Photo: Fernando badharó.

Odilon Esteves' solo was created during quarantine in a regime of physical isolation, and will be presented live on the Zoom platform until 31 January (with brief pause between 20/12 and 9/01). Viewers choose, throughout the session, by electronic poll, from the options prepared by the actor, the texts they would like to … Read more

BBA Artist Prize Award 2021 - Art Contest

BBA Artist Prize 2021, featured. Disclosure.

Who can apply International call, open to all artistic media, all ages above 18 years, all genders and all educational backgrounds. Phase 1 de candidatura ‘Early bird’ 15 November 2020 – 17 January 2021 (midnight CET) Of all the applications we receive during the phase … Read more

Steve Vai, Hermeto Pascoal, Sérgio Dias and Eloy Casagrande participate in DMX Brasil

Hermeto Pascoal. Photo: Gabriel Quintão.

Event happens 9 to 11 December in digital format DMX - Digital Music Experience presents in December 2020 its 6th edition and in a new format. This year, the event will be online, with free transmission on its official YouTube channel and on the website In the days 9, 10 and 11 of december, big … Read more

Award-winning illustrators share professional experiences on YouTube channel

Roger Mello, art. Photo: Disclosure.

Designers from all over Brazil share professional experiences in transmissions – live – by the project: Meetings with Illustrators Initiative to enhance the habit of reading and foster the editorial market Important names have already participated in thought-provoking and relaxed conversations, in the series proposed by the project. Now, it's time for the public to dive into the universes … Read more

Toriba Musical has the special attraction of the week contralto Nathália Serrano

Nathália Serrano, contraldo. Photo: Disclosure.

The special attraction of the Toriba Musical program this week is contralto Nathália Serrano. On Saturday, 12 December, to 19 hours, accompanied by piano by Antonio Luiz Barker, the singer makes a suggestive lyrical program with well-known opera arias. Among them, “What will I do without Eurydice?”, de Orfeo and Euridice, by Gluck; “Raw fate”, from … Read more

Anne with an ‘E’: Books stand out after Netflix series canceled

Anne Collection - The 3 first books of L. M. Montgomery, covers. Disclosure.

In almost 7 the Editorial Coherence Group sold more than 12 thousand copies of the Anne Anne Shirley Collection won a legion of fans through the Anne with an ‘E’ series, officially shown by Netflix. To the public's unhappiness, streaming canceled production after 3 seasons, and at the moment, os assinantes recorrem aos livros de L. … Read more

CCJF publishes General Regulations for Project Presentation 2021

CCJF publishes General Regulations for Project Presentation 2021, banner, featured. Disclosure.

The Centro Cultural Justiça Federal published the General Regulations for the Presentation of Projects for the year 2021. Registration is free and runs until the day 10 January and the results of the selection will be announced on 16 March. Projects can be in the areas of Visual Arts and Photography, Audiovisual, Performing Arts, … Read more
