Young man 16 years publishes his first children's book, for those who like fantasy, space and superheroes!

Book "The 4 elements" by Vítor Barros, featured. Disclosure.

Book by Vítor Barros narrated in a distant universe called Lemector, with lots of action and adventure! “The 4 elements”, the debut book of the author Vítor Barros of just 16 years was released on the day 15/01/2021 (Pre sale) by Editorial Come to Narnia, bringing us a romance with lots of action. In the book we follow a … Read more

Online reading festival honors Rubem Alves

21st edition of the Literary Actions Festival (FAL), art. Disclosure.

Conducted by the breeding house, from São José do Rio Preto (SP), FAL happens to 29 from January to 7 February, with 58 hours of free programming distributed across 38 activities, involving about 50 culture workers 29 from January to 7 February, the second edition of the Actions Festival will be held … Read more

Romantic comedy books to read at 2021

Books, covers. Disclosure.

From international to national, know the stories that will make you laugh and fall in love The year has just begun and there is still time to update the reading list, therefore, we have listed five romantic comedy books for you to read later this year. Between national and international authors, the books work with different narratives, … Read more

Christian fiction books for teenagers read on 2021

Book "If It Wasn't Your Love" by Larissa Pessoa, featured. Disclosure.

Acquire knowledge of God's word through these books A new year has begun and the opportunity to venture through Christian fiction to learn about God's way is never too late. Targeting youth entertainment, teenagers and adults, we've put together five Christian books that can add life … Read more

Civil engineer quits his career to become a writer and goes viral on TikTok

José Waeny e seu livro "Vidas Condenadas", cover. Disclosure.

Jose Waeny, from 59 years, published the first book in 2017 and, since then, dedicates his time in disclosures It was in 2017 that José Waeny decided to change his life. Despite having a comfortable life in the engineering business, love for writing spoke louder. The author left his career as a civil engineer to write … Read more

Book chronicles zombie apocalypse set in Brazil

& quot; How to survive the zombie apocalypse, with your mother!" work of John Miler, banner. Disclosure.

“How to survive the zombie apocalypse, with your mother!”By John Miler, is a comedy that has the ambition to become a TV series Brazil faces zombie apocalypse in “How to survive the zombie apocalypse, with your mother!”, livro escrito pelo gaúcho John Miler. The idea came when the author, still young, started … Read more

CCBB debut “Foglamp”, a web series of suspense and psychological thriller, day 05/02

Show “Farol de Neblina”. Photo: Wilssa Esser.

Ministry of Tourism, Banco do Brasil present and sponsor and Livelo co-sponsors the Farol de Neblina webseries Adapted from the theatrical show Neblina, the web series has four episodes, with production by Rubim Produções, text by Sérgio Roveri, adaptation of the text for a script by Clarissa Campolina, directed by Yara de Novaes and Clarissa Campolina and a cast formed by … Read more

Mythology books for you to read in 2021

Mythology books for you to read in 2021. Disclosure.

Acquire knowledge and an incredible journey with the books on the list A new year has begun and opportunities to expand readings too. Aiming at entertainment through literature, we list some books that were inspired by Greek mythologies, Egyptian, Nordic and among others to be read in 2021. Enjoy the stories and acquire knowledge … Read more

Wattpad can open doors for novice and veteran writers

Anna Todd and Aline Silvestri. Photo: Disclosure.

After launching first book in physical edition, Aline Silvestri tells if it is worth publishing a story on Wattpad The number of Brazilian authors is growing, many dream of launching their stories in physical editions, but due to the whole process of the publishing market for the launch of a work, most end … Read more

Registration open – Projeto Rota da Cultura starts online and free cultural workshops

Culture Route Project, poster - featured. Disclosure.

Check the details of the virtual concert meetings, Opera, dance and theater To welcome the arrival of 2021, the Sound Culture Route project, Cena e Corpo starts its activities from the day 18 January with free online workshops on the performing arts. With open enrollment, the meetings will take place until may, always … Read more
