Book brings reflections on isolation and hope

Book & quot; The lonely bird" Alexandra Vieira de Almeida, cover - featured. Disclosure.

A book that shows the poet's desire in search of communication with the world to share his symbolisms, doubts and messages of hope. That's the proposal of The lonely bird, work by Alexandra Vieira de Almeida, published by Editora Penalux. The author's seventh book 33 poems, that move from the mystical to the erotic, … Read more

Alexandra Lazari launches “Three Peoples” by Grupo Editorial Coerência

Alexandra Lazari e seu livro "Três Povos". Disclosure.

The author's first solo debut book is a dystopia with reflections on prejudices and indoctrinations Alexandra Lazari is known in the literary world for her participation in anthologies and through a short story on Wattpad, although, agora ela marca sua carreira no mercado editorial com o lançamento de “Três Povos”, his solo book released in November … Read more

Telefilm “From Flower to Flower”, shot in Curicica, will be launching in the second half

Telefilme "From Flower to Flower", backstage - Sávio Moll and Babi Xavier. Photo: Disclosure.

The work, with Babi Xavier and a great cast, will be filled with a lot of suspense Rio de Janeiro - February 2021 – Francisco Malta – coordinator of the Cinema course at Estácio - and Flávia Cortes are the screenwriters for the telefilm “De Flor em Flor”. The plot will show the sisters Azaleia and Jasmine in a big mess. The girls … Read more

The song of Wailing: book presents new proposal for national fantasy

Book & quot; The Song of Wailing" by Bruno Lima, featured. Disclosure.

Inspired by Brazilian folklore, Bruno Lima proposes to narrate a mild terror with reflections on real subjects Bruno Lima debuted in the literary medium with “The song of Wailing”, o livro foi lançado em novembro do ano passado durante a Festa Literária de São Paulo 2020 by Grupo Editorial Coerência. Inspired by Brazilian folklore, he proposes to narrate … Read more

Photographer launches book with unpublished photos of important points of Niterói

Book & quot; Niterói in Facts and Photos" by Antonio Schumacher, cover. Disclosure.

Antonio Schumacher, photographer in love with his city, presents the book Niterói Em Fatos e Fotos to the public, published under the seal of DB Editora. The work, richly produced, features 50 of the main historical and cultural points of Niterói, most heritage listed. The book is a subtle and elegant tribute, to the beauties of Smile City, who, through the loving lens … Read more


10ª Edition of the Prix Photo Aliança Francesa 2021, Flyer. Disclosure.

The “Prix Photo Aliança Francesa” opens its registration on the day 10 February celebrating a decade of achievements. Under the theme “Reflexes”, the important national photography contest of the French Alliance offers first place a trip to Paris with the right to accompany, in addition to a collective exhibition with the first three placed in the Gallery … Read more

Writer creates festival of lives to celebrate Valentine’s Day

Festival san laiventin, banner. Disclosure.

In a promotional campaign for your new short story, the writer Paula Neiva conducts the Festival San LAIVEntin with the participation of famous personalities of the literary market. Publishers aimed at young audiences, romance authors, literary magazine and podcast are among the guests with confirmed presence at the Festival San LAIVEntin, um festival de lives que a escritora Paula NeivaRead more

Unprecedented project values ​​training in Brazilian popular music for young orchestras from 24 February

Felipe Karam will share knowledge and experiences with young instrumentalists. Photo: Luis Ferreirah.

A cultural initiative “Violin in Choro”, starring violinist Felipe Karam, aims at the promotion and diffusion of genuinely Brazilian music Throughout its trajectory, violinist and composer Felipe Karam has been claiming the use of the violin in Brazilian popular music. Such a search, made him travel the world, performing on different stages, with … Read more

1° National Fine Arts Photography Contest, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Registration is open for the 1st NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST OF FINE ARTS. The 1st National Fine Arts Photography Contest is promoted by Fotos & Momentos –Claudinho Spinola and Grupo Cotidiano-Arte in Real Time-with the cultural support of Raphae Art Gallery (Edmundo Cavalcanti)-of the Brazilian Confederation of Photography-CONFOTO, of the Arts Movement, Friends of the … Read more

Isabela Zinn signs contract with Grupo Editorial Coerência to launch debut book

Isabela Zinn e seu livro "O reino da Rosa negra". Disclosure.

"The kingdom of the Black Rose", writer's first book, is already in the editing process and will be launched in the 1st semester of 2021 Isabela Zinn, from 18 years, assinou contrato com o Grupo Editorial Coerência para o lançamento de “O reino da Rosa negra”, his first book. Inspirado na música Servant of Evil, the story proposes to raise reflections on … Read more
