Casa Museu Ema Klabin promotes meetings with great writers

Ema Klabin House Museum is inspired by Sanssouci Palace (Potsdam, Germany) and designed by Alfredo Ernesto Becker in the mid 1950. Photo: Disclosure.

Online dating cycle brings great names from literature, in addition to new talents. Cristovão Tezza, José Eduardo Agualusa, Luiz Ruffato and Selma Maria Kuasne are part of the program Whoever loves literature has an appointment with great writers. The Casa Museu Ema Klabin promotes, between the months of March and November, the Encounter with Writers program: … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 1º Auction AG Bueno Collections – Buriti Collection Limited Editions

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 1º Auction AG Bueno Collections - Buriti Collection Limited Editions, featured. Disclosure.

AUCTION Day 31 March 2021 at 3 pm AUCTION ONLY ONLINE AUCTION Flavia Cardoso Soares - JUCESP Nº 948 Click here to see the complete catalog [divider] See below some highlighted lots [divider] História Para esse primeiro leilão, AG Bueno brings the collection of Buriti Edições Limitada, que atuou noRead more

From romance to comedy: check out the best eBook deals

Books: "457 Milhas" de Rachel Fernandes, "O mar me levou a você" de Pedro Rhuas e "Suíte 2121" by Rachel Fernandes. Photo: Disclosure.

Sweek Stars winner 2018 stands out with its stories on sale To start the week with several reading suggestions, we listed three eBooks by Rachel Fernandes that are on offer on Amazon and two other titles by national authors, and, increasing your virtual library on Kindle. The stories written by the artists range from … Read more

Stories with Dolls for the Environment Online

Stories with Dolls for the Environment Online at Centro Cultural Ju Yao. Photo: Disclosure.

The Ju Yao Cultural Center with text by Marlon Silva, brings Stories for the Environment. The stories are interpreted by puppets and set in fictional settings where it reflects the importance of nature preservation. In a simple and playful way to get to the practice of small. Are 4 stories: A Vaca Helma on … Read more

Luis Lobianco acts and directs “Macbeth 2020”

Expetáculo "Macbeth 2020", featured. Photo: © Anax Altamiranda.

Federal Government, State Government of Rio de Janeiro, State Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of Rio de Janeiro and Fábrica de Eventos, through the Aldir Blanc Act present Luis Lobianco acts and directs “Macbeth 2020” The theater film Macbeth 2020, with Luis Lobianco and guest actors from Cia Buraco Show, walks along the route of comedy with the objective … Read more

Age is a problem for Brazilian authors?

Lea Michaan, Telma Brites and Vanessa Guimarães. Photo: Disclosure.

Index of Brazilian authors with more than 40 years grows in the publishing market The Editorial Coherence Group surveyed an internal survey and pointed out that, of the authors of the house, 39% are women over 40 years. The percentage is very favorable to the publishing market and warms old discussions between those who defend the interference in the age of those … Read more

Aliança Francesa hosts the event A breath of art to improve the climate in the day 31/03

Fabrício Carpi Nejar (And) and Hique Gomes (D), mediated by Katia Suman, analyze the current moment. Photo: Beatriz reys, Katia suman (selfie) e Helo Averbuck.

With the theme “AR is a breath of life that connects us”, Fabrício Carpinejar and Hique Gomez, mediated by Katia Suman analyze the current moment Humanity lives in times of fragility and it has been constant that Art contributes to breathing, to maintain some joy and sobriety in the face of the pandemic, restrictions and … Read more

GAL reflects on madness in his first work for virtual environment

XSINDZIVXS experience. Photo: Maju Pereira.

In ‘XSINDZIVXS Experience’, theater group artists from São José do Rio Preto are inspired by the Hospital Colônia de Barbacena and the trajectory of Dzi Croquettes. Premiere has open rehearsal, chats and online sessions, through ProAC Expresso LAB Theater group based in São José do Rio Preto (SP) with 10 years of … Read more

Mistura Fina presents Nani Medeiros on the day 25/03

Nani Medeiros presents songs that marked his trajectory and new influences of Lusophone culture. Photo: Tom Silveira.

Repertoire goes through crying, Samba, bossa until reaching the new composers that have inspired the singer, broadening horizons for Lusophone music culture Among the references that marked its trajectory in music and the new influences, Nani Medeiros arrives on the virtual stage of the Mistura Fina project on the day 25 March. The repertoire … Read more

Street cinemas in Rio inaugurate Rolé Carioca's virtual tour schedule in 2021

CineCidades exhibition. Disclosure.

Municipality of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Municipal Secretary of Culture and Estudio M’Baraká present a Roadmap for Rio's street cinemas 2021 In the wake of Mostra CineCidades, unfolding of the project that shows short and feature films about the city of Rio de Janeiro, Rolé Carioca begins … Read more
