Resident who left Morro do Cubango and went to Milan / asphalt launches book “O Casulo”

Book “O Casulo” by Laila dos Santos, cover. Disclosure.

Laila dos Santos was born in Cubango, neighborhood of Niterói, Metropolitan Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro. She is the daughter of Lazarus, locksmith, and Sônia, from home. The girl who came down from the hill, fought, studied, became a journalist and, After, Master in Mass Communication, pela SAPIENZA de Rome. Throughout her career she became a businesswoman … Read more

Leandro Chagas says that “Diaspora” was inspired by MMORPG games

Leandro chagas, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Amazon launches New World trailer; Discover “Diaspora”, Leandro Chagas' book, that was inspired by the MMORPG games The launch of New World, Amazon in MMORPG, is finally approaching after a long time announced. With anxiety beating, os jogadores ficarão felizes em saber que o autor nacional Leandro Chagas revelou recentemente que seuRead more

Rio de Janeiro will host event on “Film Direction” and will feature Dira Paes and Paulo Betti

Dira Paes as Lucimar in the TV Globo soap opera "Save Jorge" (2012). Photo: Disclosure.

The attraction will be free and completely open to the outside audience Big screen lovers from all over Brazil will be able to participate in the Cinema Week 31 May and 1, 2 and 4 June 2021, from 10pm, big screen lovers from all over Brazil will be able to participate in the Cinema Week, que acontecerá por meio da plataforma Microsoft Teams. A programação do evento – produzido pelos alunos do Núcleo deRead more

São Rafael Galleries: between the Berlin wall and the road to freedom

Rodolfo M. Costa, exhibition. Photo: Disclosure.

São Rafael Galleries are an art gallery that crosses the elite and luxury art circuit with the humanitarian circuit, fostering exchange and cultural awareness. In a quest to give visibility to emerging artists, launch the series “Visual micropolitics”, #finearts series by artist Sílvia Raposo, and “Information”, series of collages … Read more

The different ways of understanding female eroticism

“Erotic Tales For Adult Women”, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Authors come together in “Erotic Tales for Adult Women” to reinforce the importance of women connecting with their intimate and physical universe In a moment where women are increasingly proposing to know each other physically and intimately, Editora Follow brought together several erotic stories written by authors in “Contos Erótico Para … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: Villa Antica auction, Art and Antiques

LASAR SEGALL, Portrait of Lucy, featured. Ost, 33 x 40. Signed in the cse and dated 1936.

ART AUCTION AND ANTIQUES Days 25 and 26 of May 2021 Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 pm AUCTION BY PHONE AND ONLINE Information, previous bids and call scheduling for the trading session: Fixed: (11) 3062-0022 Whatsapp: (11) 9.4347-8442 / (11) 9.8136-3652   AUCTIONEER Flavia Cardoso Soares - JUCESP Nº 948   LOCAL Villa … Read more

Movie «The Woman in the Window»: What is Agoraphobia?

The film «The Woman in the Window», the new success of Netflix, addresses agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder. O PhD, neuroscientist and neuropsychologist Fabiano de Abreu explains what the disease is, as well as diagnosis and treatment. Segundo Fabiano de Abreu, no new disorders are emerging, mas a condição social atual acaba porRead more

Poetic anthology unites Brazilian and Portuguese writers in the pandemic

Trip to Portugal Anthology of Poetry from Brazil and Portugal - Various Authors, editorial organization Gisele Sant’Ana Lemos, featured. Disclosure.

Strengthen literary ties between Brazil and Portugal, even in the face of the pandemic. This is the proposal of the new poetic anthology “Viagem a Portugal”. Published in partnership between Bibliomundi and Filo Editora, ebook shaped, the work aims to take the reader, who has suffered from social isolation, for an imaginary journey with … Read more

131st edition of FotoRio, one of the most important photography festivals in Latin America

Photo: Ratão Diniz.

One of the most important photography festivals in Latin America, or FotoRio, takes place from May to June in virtual format in most of its programming. The online format of this edition allows you to greatly expand the scope of the entire program and incorporate participants from all regions of the country and abroad, with emphasis on … Read more

Planet Earth is a scenario of combat and a lot of justice in “Numbers – The Runes of Power ”

Carolina Reginatto, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Carolina Reginatto debuts in literature with a fantasy story full of motivational subjects involving overcoming and uniting Beings from another planet fight an emblematic fight on planet Earth in “Numbers – The Runes of Power ”, livro de estreia da economista e coach motivacional Carolina Reginatto. In the story, thousands of Shindenians are wiped out on Planet Shinden and nine … Read more
