Live movie “Today is not a good day” debate on sorority and the precariousness of pandemic capitalism

Live movie “Today is not a good day”, price. Disclosure.

Authored by director Priscila Lima, show will be live and online, bringing up debate and new forms of technology for the theater The setting is social isolation, a video call is opened by two women who initiate an erotic conversation, but the mood of the meeting changes when a … Read more

Hobin Rude: Publisher Kalima launches its first comic book via Catarse

"Hobin Rude - Memories of a Sidekick", by author Hugo Maximo, cover - featured. Disclosure.

"Hobin Rude - Memories of a Sidekick", comic book by Hugo Maximo, will be published by Editora Kalima via Catarse. Hugo Maximo brings a style of art/illustration little used in Brazil. A 3D and 2D digital art, demonstrating a beautiful and diverse look from other materials. Publisher Kalima, on the other hand, recently arrived on the market, but there is … Read more

science and art together: Award-winning Brazilian filmmaker competes in Cannes in a project with the participation of a Brazilian scientist

Production "Catalepsy" by Priscilla Guedes. Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Film director Priscila Guedes and the PhD, neuroscientist Fabiano de Abreu takes the name of Brazilian science to Cannes with support from the Swiss government A production directed by a Brazilian is very close to reaching a new level internationally. With the production "Catalepsy", directed by Priscilla Guedes, the expectation is that the … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 2º Masters of Brazilian Popular Art Auction – Sculptures and Paintings

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 2º Masters of Brazilian Popular Art Auction – Sculptures and Paintings, featured. Disclosure.

Masters of Brazilian Popular Art Sculptures and Paintings Dia 08 June 2021 at 7:00 pm OFFICIAL AUCTION: FLÁVIA CARDOSO SOARES [button color =”orange” size =”medium” link =”″ target =”blank” ]Complete catalog >>[/button] [divider] Some highlighted lots [divider] Follow our social networks: Instagram: @FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes Facebook: Facebook / FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes [divider] How to buy at auctions: just access the … Read more

Tribes of St. Michael

Tribes of St. Michael, restoration. Photo: Disclosure.

Schedule provides for the restoration of the world's largest historic graphite panel, in addition to workshops, workshops and artistic presentations in the São Miguel Paulista neighborhood, east side of São Paulo. Sociocultural intervention is part of the Encontro das Culturas project The paintings are in process every day, from 9:0 to 5:0 pm, on Avenida Doutor José … Read more

Reverence for popular culture, Hi there, Inezita’ has series of online presentations

Virtual show ‘Hi, There Inezita’, (Jaqueline Cardoso, Márcia Morelli and Simone Moerdaui). Photo: John F. Tavares Kawasaki.

Company Show. Scenic inspired by the life and work of Inezita Barroso makes 10 free screenings of 2 from June to 17 July on YouTube. Programming for the São José do Rio Preto theater company also involves workshops and lives Inspired by the life and work of Inezita Barroso (1925-2015), one of the most … Read more

Virtual lectures of the project “Art Meeting of Afro-Azorean Culture” continue this Thursday (3)

Antônio Lopes de Matos, the Master Zango: ancestral knowledge. Photo: Felipe Janicsek.

June suits, suits of kings and the trajectory of a trailblazer are the theme of the lectures that show personalities and cultural expressions of the Middle Coast. Three virtual talks highlighting the contribution of personalities and artistic-cultural expressions identifying the Middle Coast of RS continue, This Thursday, day 03 of June, to the programming of the project “Arte Encontro … Read more

LGBTQIA+ Pride Month: Coherence Editorial Group books to read in June

Book "The Little Magellanic Cloud", by Maria Clara Lacerda, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Discover stories starring LGBTQIA+ from the publishing house After the Stonewall Revolt, in 1969, when homosexuals confronted New York police during a raid on a bar in the city, a scenario was developed in which the community mobilizes to celebrate a year of struggle and pride for being what they are. Thus, … Read more

Launches of the Editorial Coherence Group in May 2021

Matumaini - Pietene's notebooks, by João Peçanha, cover - featured. Disclosure.

From the suspense to the collection of chronicles, publisher launches five books by national authors Grupo Editorial Coerência prepared six different books to be released during the month of May this year. João Peçanha, Misael Ferreira, Lilly Belmount, Marcio Zanini, Ana Boulos, Eliane and Neka Martins are the authors with new books inside the house … Read more

Rio and the history that has been erased is the theme of the May's Rolé Carioca

Tiradentes Palace. Photo: Thiago Lontra / Alerj.

Municipality of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Municipal Secretariat of Culture and Estudio M’Baraká present History erased through the years and its memories is the theme of the Rolé Carioca itinerary in May Once upon a time in Rio – Memories and Erasures. This is the theme of Rolé Carioca's next online itinerary, that happens … Read more
