Luana Fernandes releases new video on the day 24 of June

Luana Fernandes in a new look. Photo: Alexia Novais.

New song by the singer and composer from Rio Grande do Sul was recorded with London musicians during her brief stay in Paraná Singer Luana Fernandes launches on the next day 24 of June, to 00:00 on your YouTube channel, the video for the song “Ancorar”, composition of his authorship with the participation of musician Chico Ceciliano, in the musical direction … Read more

Day 24/06 has Hique Gomez on Mistura Fina

Hique Gomez shows compositions that are not known by the public. Photo: Disclosure.

Musician displays his eclecticism in this show with repertoire of unpublished Hique Gomez opens his chest of compositions and shows, to keyboards, compositions that are not known to the audience at the show he presents the next day 24 of June, from 6:30 pm, with Mistura Fina broadcast on Facebook (Check out the "Service"). The presentation was … Read more

Coherence Editorial Group prepares for 2nd FLISP

FLISP 2021. Disclosure.

The 2nd São Paulo Literary Festival aims to surpass the first edition After the news of the cancellation of the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Biennials by COVID-19, the publishing market needed to reinvent itself. With annuity proposal, o Grupo Editorial Coerência se preocupou em organizar a FLISP (Literary Festival of São Paulo), who … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: Important Collection of Art and Antiques – Paulo Vasconcellos Leilões

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: Important Collection of Art and Antiques – Paulo Vasconcellos Leilões, days 23 and 24 of June. Disclosure.

ONLINE AUCTION AND PHONE Dias 23 and 24 at 20:00 hs INFORMATION: (11) 98136-3652 or (11) 99757-6097 Auctioneer Flávia Cardoso Soares [button color =”orange” size =”medium” link =”″ target =”blank” ]CHECK OUT![/button] [divider] [divider] Follow our social networks: Instagram: @FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes Facebook: Facebook / FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes [divider] Doubts, contact us by phone (11) … Read more

Producer launches the first social network for guitarists in Brazil

Photo: ZapMusic showcases.

Vitrine ZapMusic arrives to unite the guitar community and offer a space for musicians to publicize their work Aiming to bring together the Brazilian guitar community in just one place, producer Prime Arte will launch Vitrine ZapMusic, first social network for guitar professionals from all over Brazil, with space … Read more

The French Embassy in Brazil, the Network of French Alliances in Brazil and the Molotov Cocktail celebrate the Fête de la Musique in Brazil

391st edition of “Fête de la Musique 2021”. Disclosure.

Day 21 of June, broadcast by the Networks of Alliances Francesas do Brasil Mirroring the Festas Juninas that take place annually in Brazil in June, the French Embassy in Brazil, the Network of French Alliances in Brazil and the Molotov Cocktail Festival cross sonic borders to celebrate music in the 39th edition of “Fête de … Read more

Paula Carminatti's first novel was released by Grupo Editorial Coerência

Book "The Talismans of Jade" by Paula Carminatti with co-creation by Eliton Viegas, cover - featured. Disclosure.

"The Jade Talismans", co-created by Eliton Viegas, It was released in 2020 by the Plus+ label After releasing some short stories on Amazon and contributing stories to several anthologies, author Paula Carminatti released “The Talismans of Jade” on Plus+, seal of the Editorial Coherence Group. The work marks the beginning of Yu's Aria Duology, in which it was written … Read more

Ema Klabin House Museum brings live show to celebrate June festivities

CLA. Maria's hair, featured. Photo: Paulo Savala.

Cia Cabelo de Maria celebrates June with a themed show. Coco, xote, Baião, marchinhas formam a riqueza do repertório e a variedade de ritmos do espetáculo Não é porque a pandemia não permite aglomerações que vamos deixar de celebrar a festa mais tradicional do mês de junho. The next day 26 of June, CLA. Hair … Read more

New book by Ingra Danielle Português was launched by Grupo Editorial Coerência

Book “Melina Crível” by Ingra Danielle Português, cover - featured. Disclosure.

The author's second work raises reflections on the importance of preserving the environment After debuting in literature with “A Caverna, the Prince and the Wife”, writer and theologian Ingra Danielle Português draws readers' attention with “Melina Crível”, his second book released in 2020 by Grupo Editorial Coerência. A história é uma fantasia que traz reflexõesRead more

Naddo Pontes shows his pop between Gigantes is an attraction at Mistura Fina this Thursday (17)

No Pontes, forward, one of the giants of your generation, featured. Photo: Renata Stoduto.

The band led by one of the greatest composers of his generation, anticipates new songs that are in the process of recording NADDO ENTRE GIGANTES is the attraction of Mistura Fina this Thursday, day 17 of June, from 6:30 pm, with Mistura Fina broadcast on Facebook (Check out the "Service"). With more than 40 years of … Read more
