Telma Brites and Kildary Costa reveal how they deal with creative block in writing

Telma Brites and Kildary Costa. Photo: Disclosure.

In an interview, both artists shared their ways of getting around creative stumbling blocks when writing a book The world is full of great artists who constantly have to deal with the famous creative block, in literature the situation is no different, especially when the story is at the beginning. Thomas Edison já dizia que “talent is 1% inspiration … Read more

Hotel Toriba has a week full of lyrical music!

Jessica Leo, soprano, as The Queen of the Night in a montage of the opera The magic flute, by Mozart, 09-2019. Photo: Andrea Camargo.

Lyrical music dominates this week's festival schedule “Winter Music from the Magic Mountain”, creation of the Hotel Toriba, in Campos do Jordao. On Wednesday, 18 August, introduces bass baritone Andrey Mira, accompanied by piano by Antonio Luiz Barker. The program has opera arias like “Madamina, the catalog is this”, by Don … Read more

Registration for competitive screenings of the Festival Santa Cruz de Cinema remain open until 31 August

4º Santa Cruz Film Festival. Photo: Alencar da Rosa.

National and regional films will be selected, in addition to works carried out in Santa Cruz do Sul. 31 August, no site, registration for the competitive screenings of the 4th Festival Santa Cruz de Cinema, which this year will take place in a hybrid format of 29 November to 03 of december. They will be selected … Read more

Did you know there is World Photography Day? and he is coming

Daguerreótipo, photographic process developed by Louis Daguerre in 1837. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Photographer Frederico Gomes reveals curious details about World Photography Day, which is celebrated this month of august. Did you know that World Photography Day is celebrated in 19 August? The reason for this is the invention of the daguerreotype, a photographic process developed by Louis Daguerre in 1837. Shortly after, in January … Read more

FLISP 2021 sold over 8.000 books in a weekend

FLISP 2021 - Samuel Alexandre and Sacia Xavier - authors, featured. Photo: John Fellix.

The event had more than 10.000 rotating people this past weekend, 07 and 08 August, the Literary Festival of São Paulo was held 2021 (FLISP 2021), organized by the Coherence Editorial Group. With the participation of several authors, editors and speakers, the event brought together more than 10.000 people rotated and had more … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 3º Auction Curatorship Marcos Sancovsky – Furniture and Objects

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 3º Auction Curatorship Marcos Sancovsky – Furniture and Objects, featured. Disclosure.

3º Auction Curatorship Marcos Sancovsky – Furniture and Objects Dias 11 and 12 August at 5:00 pm AUCTIONEER Flávia Cardoso Soares – JUCESP Nº 948 Some highlighted lots [button color =”blue” size =”medium” link =”″ target =”blank” ]CHECK OUT![/button] [divider] Follow our social networks: Instagram: @FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes Facebook: Facebook / FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes [divider]   Doubts, entrem em contato conosco pelosRead more

Check “the pachyderm”, debut album by the group Nico Antonio ea Os Filhos do Mar

Debut album “O Paquiderme”, of the group Nico Antonio and the Children of the Sea, featured. Disclosure.

Registro is a compilation of all the tracks present on the six EPs. The group Nico Antonio and the Children of the Sea have just released their debut album “O Paquiderme”, the record is a compilation of all the tracks present in the six EPs released by the group. listen and download here: "The Pachyderm", it is a … Read more

Dance, rock and technology: Dancer tells about her experience of choreographing online show

Online show "From Order to Flow - A Hybrid and Experimental Live". Photo: Disclosure.

With more than 10 years of experience, dancer Gabriela Moriondo had an unusual challenge during the pandemic: choreograph a rock band live 3D format show from scratch. You can find the result of this adventure in the live “From Order to Flow – A Hybrid and Experimental Live", created by the Metassoma Collective (ES), … Read more

Resident who left Morro do Cubango and went to the asphalt of Rome launches book “O Casulo” in Cidade das Artes

Book “O Casulo” by Laila dos Santos, cover. Disclosure.

Laila dos Santos was born in Cubango, neighborhood of Niterói, and has also lived in the neighborhood of Jardim Catarina, in São Gonçalo, Metropolitan Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro. She is the daughter of Lazarus, locksmith, and Sônia, from home. The girl who came down the hill, fought, studied, became a journalist and, After, Master in Communication of … Read more


Italo Moriconi, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The poet and professor of History of Art Nuno Rau leads a workshop on Poetic Experimentation between 9/8 and 29/11, always on mondays, from 17h to 19h, by Instituto Estação das Letras. The meetings are online and will work with the thought and practice of the poem today: what is the poem? The … Read more
