Cecília Vallim launches “O Tal do Twenty and Few Years”, motivational book about twenties crises

Book: "The Twentysomething Tale" by Cecilia Vallim, cover. Disclosure.

The author's debut work was released by Grupo Editorial Coerência Cecília Vallim, Goiás from 22 years, his debut in literature with “O Tal do Twenty and Few Years”, motivational book aimed at young people and adults over the age of twenty and who live with crises or uncertainties related to their professional future. The work was released ago … Read more

Black theatrical play, Yes!’ debut days 25 and 26/09

Silvia Maciell, in the center, directs a piece that seeks to awaken a new awareness. Photo: Luis Ferreirah.

Aimed at children and young people, the show is a journey of understanding, reflection and appreciation of Afro-Brazilian culture The theater show “Negra, Yes!”, that first day 25 and 26 of next september, at the Black Six of May Social Club, in Gravataí, Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, intends to provide the public with a journey of reflection and … Read more

Documentary on social inclusion of people with disabilities receives support from Panvel

Julio Mottin Neto and Victor Freiberg. Photo: Disclosure.

The theater play Todo Mundo tem um Sonho reverberated in the gaucho scene by addressing the inclusion of people with physical disabilities, sensory and intellectual in society. Created by Cultural Belonging, the work was awarded in 2019 with the Panvel On Stage Featured Award, during the cultural program of the Porto Alegre On Stage International Festival. … Read more

With adaptations and protocols, Camerata choir and orchestra return to the stage

With adaptations and protocols, Camerata choir and orchestra return to the stage. Photo: Disclosure.

After a year and eight months apart, the Camerata Antiqua Choir from Curitiba returns to the stage next to the Orchestra, This weekend, for the Crossings concert, in the chapel Santa Maria. Camerata is a musical group maintained by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba that has 40 musicians in full training. to return, … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: Design Auction – Kaufmann Universe

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: Design Auction – Kaufmann Universe, featured. Disclosure.

Design Auction – Kaufmann Dias Universe 21 and 23 September at 7:00 pm AUCTIONEER Flávia Cardoso Soares – JUCESP Nº 948   [button color =”blue” size =”medium” link =”https://www.leilaodesign.com.br/leilao.asp?Num=22397″ target =”blank” ]CHECK OUT![/button] [divider] Some highlighted lots [divider] Follow our social networks: Instagram: @FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes Facebook: Facebook / FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes [divider]   Doubts, contact us by phone (11) 98136-3652 or … Read more

Photographer gives tips for those who want to take the best night photos by cell phone

Tips for those who want to take the best night photos by cell phone. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Taking pictures by cell phone at night is a huge challenge. To get the best result, photographer Frederico Gomes gives some tips that can be within reach of any smartphone. Who has never been enchanted by a night sky and wanted to take a picture, Is not it? So that now, in the absence of professional equipment or having … Read more

Rio de Janeiro will host event “Visual effects & Digital Art – Audiovisual Creation in the Future”

one of olive, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

One of Oliveira - ex- Head of Visual Effects at Rede Globo and Creative Director at Light Farm Studios – he will be Estácio's guest of honor The attraction is free and completely open to the external public. 23 September, from 10pm, movie lovers, da TV e de todo mercado do audiovisual poderão participar do evento “Efeitos Visuais & Digital Art … Read more

The MNBA at the 15th Spring of Museums

MNBA at the 15th Spring of Museums, Flyer - featured. Disclosure.

Inspired by the motto “Museums: losses and new starts", the National Museum of Fine Arts will host two events at the 15th Spring of Museums, promoted by the Brazilian Institute of Museums(IBRAM). On 21 September, 3St fair, at 4:00 pm, let's show the video “Hope”, idealized by historian Cintya Callado, showing an interesting dialogue between the archival and museum collections … Read more

Three books to read during Yellow September

Three books to read during Yellow September, book covers. Disclosure.

With different perspectives on suicide and its prevention, each book on this list presents a unique proposal The suicide prevention campaign, the Yellow September, continues in Brazil fighting and discussing the reality of suicide cases in the country. worldwide, the suicide death rate has been falling, but in the Americas the percentages went up, … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 19º Numismatics Auction – King Auctions

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 19º Numismatics Auction – King Auctions, featured. Disclosure.

19º Numismatics Auction – King Auctions Day 17 September at 3:00 pm AUCTIONEER Flávia Cardoso Soares – JUCESP Nº 948   [button color =”blue” size =”medium” link =”https://www.kingleiloes.com/leilao.asp?Num=22681″ target =”blank” rel=”nofollow noopener noreferrer”]CHECK OUT![/button] [divider] Some highlighted lots [divider] Follow our social networks: Instagram: @FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes Facebook: Facebook / FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes [divider]   Doubts, contact us by phone … Read more
