Carrousel du Louvre 2014 – Professional Exhibition of Contemporary Art by Heloiza Azevedo

Carrousel du Louvre 2014 – Professional Exhibition of Contemporary Art by Heloiza Azevedo . Invitation: We are pleased to invite you to the vernissage of the Salon International d'Art Contemporain and night launch and signing of the Guide Biennale D'Art Contemporain - 2014/2015 Organization – Heloiza Azevedo – Prefácio – Mário Britto A ser realizado em 24 October 2014 das 20hRead more

OPEN Selection of Works and Poems – Exhibition of Visual Arts and Poetry “Angels and Archangels”, Curator Carlos Zemek

OPEN Selection of Works and Poems – Exhibition of Visual Arts and Poetry “Angels and Archangels” Curator Carlos Zemek . Interested send e-mail to: Visual Artists – Send photo and contact details. Poets – Send poem to 5 lines and contact details. Will be Exposed in Museum of Curitiba, PR, Brasil. … Read more

Silvia Reis participates in the 45th Hangout d’Arca – “The disdain of Brazilians with art”

Silvia Reis participates in the 45th Hangout d’Arca – “The disdain of Brazilians with art” Silvia Reis participate in a Hangout d'Ark excited, falando um pouco sobre história da arte para ilustrar suas explanações sobre as dificuldades que o Artista Plástico e a Arte sofrem no Brasil. Worth checking out! “Saber Desenhar é SaberRead more

Rio Festival 2014 presents documentary feature film Samba & Jazz powder Giselly Azevedo

Rio Festival 2014 presents documentary feature film Samba & Jazz by Harini Azevedo Drawing a parallel between two rhythms and two cultures, film will be shown in 26 to 28 de setembro em diferentes espaços do festival Duas cidades traduzidas por seus aspectos culturais, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) e New Orleans (United States), são apresentadas emRead more

YICCA 2014 Young International Contest of Contemporary Art

YICCA 2014 Young International Contest of Contemporary Art Aps Moho Association is pleased to announce the official opening of Yicca 2014. The contest 2014 is the natural continuation of Yicca 2009, where the great success with over 1000 participants has prompted the association to expand its relations and cooperation with galleries and professionals. It stands to reason that promotion of … Read more

Book launch CABEÇA, of Milton Machado in CCBB-Rio by Carolina Oliveira

Milton Machado lança, on Monday, às 18h30, auditorium on the 4th floor of the Rio CCBBs-book HEAD, which shows the trajectory of the artist through his major works, historical texts, critical and analytical, and an unpublished essay by critic and researcher Guilherme Bueno. A discussion with the artist and psychoanalyst, teacher and writer Tânia Rivera … Read more

The Art of working with Art, a Course of Visual Arts for Visual Artists by Ana Goldberger

The Art of working with Art, um Curso de Artes Plásticas para Artistas Plásticos por Ana Goldberger‎ O curso se dirige a artistas plásticos e outros profissionais das artes em começo de carreira e ao público em geral que se interessa por artes e aborda a estrutura do mundo artístico, exhibit development, marketing works, … Read more

WoodBangers LLC Network, Inc.

WoodBangers LLC Network, Inc. Congratulations to our friends at WoodBangers, they do a wonderful job with their community! Let us know a little of their story: The Origin of the Idea: In the beginning of 2003 is when the idea of WoodBangers had started. It was the beginning of the internet social culture, the days of myspace and chat … Read more

Supakitch & Koralie, a Video by Damien elroy Vignaux [Paths of Fantasy]

Supakitch & Koralie, a Video by Damien elroy Vignaux [Paths of Fantasy] Wall Painting by Supakitch and Koralie at the Museum of World Culture / Sweden – (VÄRLDSKULTURMUSEET GÖTEBORG / SWEDEN) With the support of Posca & —– Video by elroy: —– Music por DLid (quatre rec. / Leonizer) : —– – Collection GrandRead more

Photographic Project Olhar de Baleia

Photographic Project Olhar de Baleia – “Lives at Sea but is not Fish” Olhar de Baleia (Look of Whales) is a series resulting from the way an artist sees everyday individual's relationship with the sea. It is an effect of the revolution of digital cameras, from the popularity of them as a consumer product in the late twentieth century. … Read more