Alice Nogueira da Gama and Uniduni Publisher invite to the launch of the book “Secrets of a grandmother OWL”

Saturday 25/07 to 9:30h Liberty Square, 21 Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation: Luiz de Bessa State Public Library Paulo Campos Guimarães Art Gallery Information: 31 3309-4272 | . [facebook] Come with us, Get the News by e-mail: E-mail . . [tweet] . WEBSITE Artistas Contemporâneos Galeria de Obras deRead more

"Charles Bukowski" on Session + Philos Globosat

Saturday, 25 July, at 4:30 pm on the day of the writer, 25 July (Saturday), the Philos Session will present a documentary about Charles Bukowski. The film tells a little of the life of one of the greatest poets and novelists of the century Americans 20, He had a turbulent childhood due to the violence of his father. BukowskiRead more

Exhibition “Curitiba, Watercolor and Ink by Di Magalhães”

Exhibition “Curitiba, Watercolor and Ink by Di Magalhães” Collection of 45 work on Curitiba in watercolor and pen, with the opening day 07:00 pm 23 th July 2015. The works will be on display until the day 27 October. About DI MAGALHÃES: Divine Ferreira de Magalhães, was born in the city of Goiás in … Read more

Ana Grebler presents exhibition Mythologies

Ana Grebler presents Mythologies exhibition tribute to 150 years of creating Cultural space CEPERJ Alice presents, starting in 5 August, with a cocktail, to 19 hours, the exhibition of Ana Grebler, "Mythologies", curated by artist Edmilson Nunes and Oscar D ' Ambrosio consulting. In large format, e com materiais incorporados à pinturaRead more

Sexy Lady invites you to the launch of your book “Ave, Outback! Birds in Grande Sertão: Paths”

Sexy Lady invites you to the launch of your book “Ave, Outback! Birds in Grande Sertão: Paths” Day 21 th July 2015 19h Liberty Square, 21 Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation: Luiz de Bessa State Public Library Paulo Campos Guimarães Art Gallery Information: 31 3269-1204 | . [facebook] … Read more

Globe highlights the next big date Carioca dance

Globe highlights the next big date Carioca dance arts, in Barra da Tijuca, will receive the project day 19 July, Sunday. Dream Team of Paget, Dance charm of Madureira, Oficina Infantil RECRIA do Centro de Movimento Deborah Colker e aula de dança com Jaime Arôxa são algumas das atrações ARead more

Sea of Cultures – Renato Russo

Musicians and producers rescue stories of Renato Russo on another edition of cultures – music with Zeca Camargo mediation, Globe project happens in the day 16 July, Thursday, no Quiosque da Globo Renato Russo viveu menos de 40 years, but made history in Brazilian music. O autor de “Eduardo eRead more

Sound of the city promotes week of jazz in the Kiosk of the Globe

Between the days 8 and 12 July, project receives five attractions in free concerts on the Copacabana waterfront Jazz will be highlighted in the musical programming of Quiosque da Globo, in Copacabana, na próxima edição do Som da Cidade – projeto de música instrumental da emissora que dá visibilidade aos artistas que fazem aRead more

Exhibition of Artist's Books of Lívia Limp

LIVIA LIMP “Xilócopa # 2” Exhibition of artist books Day 06/07/2015 Monday 7:00 pm freedom square, 21 Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation: . [facebook] Come with us, Get the News by e-mail: E-mail . . [tweet] . WEBSITE Contemporary Artists Google Artworks Gallery + | Facebook Fan Page | Twitter

Chat with the artist Leandro Gabriel

Chat invitation with Leandro Gabriel. Art: Edison Vilela de Freitas.

LEANDRO GABRIEL Braille Public Library Sector in celebrating their 50 Years Invited for a chat with the artist Day 06/07/2015 Monday 2:30 pm Happens also the exhibition of the artist Senses freedom square, 21 – 2º piso – Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brasil A Exposição “Senses” keep until the day … Read more
