Rio Festival 2015 Displays documentary "Lift!”

Produced by Canal Futura in partnership with the Operating Mode and Embaúba, the film was the winner of the 5th pitching DOC Futura De 1 to 14 October, the Rio Festival will screen the documentary “Levante!”, winner of the 5th pitching DOC Future. Inserted in the Frontiers show, o filme é uma produção do Canal Futura em parceria comRead more

Children's day at sea

10, 11 and 12 October the Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the Institute's management Odeon, will celebrate the children's day with a schedule developed by the educational team of the School Look especially for small visitors. Are circus workshops, dance, Toy and drawing, In addition to playful gallery talks, … Read more

Film Club of the Cinematheque presents Cycle Roberto Rossellini

The film society of the Cinematheque displays in October a series of four films by Roberto Rossellini (1906-1977), consecrated director and one of the Italian neorealism of exponents, ao lado de Vittorio de Sica and Luchino Visconti. The move came after the Second World War, reflecting the economic and social reality of that period. One of the films of Rossellini, … Read more

Exhibition ' Hero of peace ' rescues the Baron Saw Blue

The Core Knowledge and media agency brings to the Curitiba Biennale exhibition ' Hero of peace ', installed in the Museum of Engraving, at Solar do Barão. Composed of multimedia elements, the exhibition presents historical data from Paraná and a comic book about the Barão do Serro Azul, illustrated by Marcelo Lopes and scripted by … Read more

' How long has ' the time will be displayed for the first time in Brazil during the River Festival

Director Adriana L. Dutra discusses the time-and the lack of it – in documentary with interviews with thinkers, scientists and writers like André Comte-Sponville, Domenico De Masi, Nélida Piñon and Marcelo Gleiser "a movie for those who have time, don't have time or don't know what to do with the time ", says Adriana L. Dutra … Read more

Universidade Candido Mendes performs Today, 30, às 18h30, Inaugural class open to the public

LECTURE WITH MARCUS FAUSTINI OPENS AN MBA COURSE IN CULTURAL MANAGEMENT The course was a pioneer in Brazil and has 12 anos vem exercendo um papel extraordinário na formação de executivos do setor cultural Ainda é possível se inscrever para a nova turma da pós-graduação lato sensu em Gestão Cultural da Universidade Candido Mendes, com inícioRead more

Cicero Alves dos Santos, The Bro, WINS Exhibition at Sesc Santo Amaro

Sergipe artist uses wood to represent its unusual look on the man and the life in the sertão. A exposição faz parte do Projeto Desdobramentos – Acervo em Expansão Os galhos e raízes dispostos pelo sertão sergipano ganham vida nas mãos de Cícero Alves dos Santos, the Bro. Autodidact (self taught), the artist, that … Read more

Partnership in art – Anna Bella Geiger participates in the exhibition of the Italian-Brazilian artist Lucio Salvatore

Partnership in art – Anna Bella Geiger participates in the exhibition by Italian-Brazilian artist Lucio Salvatore at Centro Cultural Correios, in Rio de Janeiro Anna Bella Geiger, one of the most important Brazilian plastic artists of today, take part in shows with the work “100 MANIPULATIONS, A BLACK SQUARE”, uma parceria onde Lucio Salvatore levanta a questãoRead more

FCC prepares special programming for the “Day of Reading. Every Day!”

This Thursday, day 1, happens the event “Day of Reading. Every Day!”, uma mobilização nacional de incentivo à leitura realizada em mais de 200 Brazilian cities. In Curitiba, a ação acontecerá nas unidades da Rede Municipal de Bibliotecas Escolares (Faróis do Saber, Bibliotecas Escolares, Bibliotecas Temáticas, Biblioteca Especializada em Educação e Gibitecas), nas Casas daRead more

National films are in the lineup the Cultural week of education

The Cinematheque of Curitiba and the Cine Guarani dedicated programming this week national productions, specially selected for the Education of Cultural Week, which happens to 28 September to 3 October. The film screenings is part of 248 cultural activities that take place in 30 different city spaces, com a ofertaRead more