Chapel Santa Maria receives Current Cultural programming

The chapel Santa Maria will stage two major Current Cultural Attractions. The Opera Orchestra Curitiba with the show ' two-night Gala ' Lyric and the interactive concert Brass Quintet OSESP are part of programming that will move the city. On Friday and Saturday (days 6 and 7), to … Read more

Tina Zappoli Gallery participates in the event Gallery Night POA

From 11 to 13 November, visual arts spaces in the city will remain open to visitors from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Located in the Porto Alegre neighborhood of Rio Branco, the art gallery TINA ZAPPOLI participates, once again, the "Gallery Night POA". For three days, alguns espaços que aderem ao movimento permanecem com suas atrações abertas paraRead more

Cultural current has attractions for children

The Cultural Current offers on Sunday (8) two attractions aimed at children. At 10:00, the Stage of the ruins will be taken by the project About troupe. In a show that involves music, dance and theatre, Artists interpret cantigas de roda. In the Repertoire are songs known by kids: "Live Fish", “I threw the stick at the Cat”, "O … Read more

Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro performs chat with journalist Annick Cojean about women in conflict zones in the world

Annick Cojean is a reporter for the French newspaper Le Monde, TV presenter and author of several books. The event is held in French in the Auditorium of the Alliance Française in Botafogo and has free entry to the Alliance Française Botafogo receives, next Friday, 06, às 19h30, French journalist Annick Cojean, for a conference on women … Read more

SESC does Sorocaba soundtrack workshop for silent film

Attraction will be with the musician and composer Pablo Mendoza During the days 5, 12, 19 and 26 November, and 10 of december, the 5th, from 19:30 to 21:30, SESC promote Sorocaba, in Technology and Arts Space, the workshop "live soundtrack for silent film", com o músico e compositor deRead more

Exhibition at Muma gathers images and print 3D objects

O MuMA – Municipal Art Museum inaugurates on Thursday (5), at 19h, the exhibition "Solid", Artist Curitiba Daniel Duda. The exhibition brings together images and objects produced with printing technology in three dimensions that integrate both digital media and physical concreteness. The four videos and seven works produced in 2015 mesclamRead more

Log in Philos + Globosat displays in November productions on architecture, art and dance

Infra spectacle and documentary about Orson Welles, Andy Warhol and Basquiat are part of the programming Session Philos at + Globosat shows on Saturdays from November, Always at 16:30, various productions on architecture, history, dance and natural phenomena. Opening the grid this month, Session Philos displays on 7 os documentários “À Procura da Religião”Read more

Exhibition on humanized birth is attraction at SESC Sorocaba

Photo by Francine Pires.

Project was done in partnership with the Well Generate – motherhood and the Development shows "In Uterus – Stories of births ", which has as its theme the registration of births humanized, will be on display in the exhibition space of SESC Sorocaba 4 to 29 November, Tuesday to Friday, from 9:00 to 9:30 pm, and Saturdays, … Read more

Living with differences is the workshop theme SESC Sorocaba

Activity for the elderly is free Living with people close to you will be the theme of the workshop “Finding the other as a legitimate other”, performed during days 4, 11, 18 and 25 November, the 4th, at 14:30, the hall 2 SESC Sorocaba. The activity, aimed at those who have more than 60 years, é gratuitaRead more