Graffiti workshops and living pictures are design attractions for "grandparents and grandchildren" at Sesc

Graffiti Artists Sorocabanos, Will Ferreira and Michel Japs present concepts about Art The Sesc Sorocaba project aims to provide the experience of a different and pleasant coexistence between grandparents and grandchildren, seeking integration, joint creation and discoveries, continues in February with new attractions. All activities are free, open to the public … Read more

Orlando Azevedo presents the exhibition "Ruins" in MuMA

For over three decades the photographer, Editor and curator Orlando Azevedo comes registering collapsed or abandoned buildings in various locations around the country and abroad. 61 images that work, in color or black and white, make up the exhibition "Ruins", that poster next Thursday (4) and remains until 27 March … Read more

Exhibition portrays artists operating in the city of Curitiba

Artists that inspire, mess with the imaginary and annoy people often, taking them from their common place. This is the motto of the exhibition "beings from another Planet", which brings together images of nine artists who have made Curitiba your stage. O trabalho do fotógrafo Edu Camargo levou três anos para ser concluído e será apresentadoRead more

Neba collective gallery presents “Who live, Summer!” in the river

The third edition of the show “Who live, Summer!” Opens the calendar of Neba Gallery in 2016 bringing together works by 46 artists honored the station that has the face of Rio. The inauguration took place on the last Saturday (30 January) in the historic centre of Rio de Janeiro (Rua do Rosario, nº 38). Estiveram presentes maisRead more

Extension course: The Empire in Brazil

The sacred art museum promotes an extension course on the topic “The Empire in Brazil: The Neoclassical Art and scholarship”, whose goal is to present a study on the art and culture of Brazil Empire, discussing the ways that neoclassical and academic art took on a 19th-century society. The course … Read more

Alliance Française prepares new courses for the first semester

There are places for the workshops to improve grammar and oral, In addition to new regular classes, intensive and Super-intensive, new course modality offered by the Institution The reasons that lead people to seek French classes can be many, as the seeking the French pleasure, como ferramenta para carreira acadêmica e aindaRead more

Alliance Française carries out tasting classes and French heating in all branches of Rio de Janeiro

Tasting classes are geared for people who want to study French and never had contact with the language, held at affordable prices, and classes for students who wish to prepare for the semester of 2016. A Aliança Francesa do Rio de Janeiro realiza em todas as filiais da cidade aulas de degustação doRead more

Charles Bukowski, and so was the story in the session Philos

Friday, 29 January, 13h, in + Globosat last Friday of the month (29/01), from the 1:00 pm, the Viewer may Session at Philos, in + Globosat, the documentary "Charles Bukowski", film that presents the history of one of the greatest poets and novelists of the century Americans 20, and thus was the story ", retrospectivas por fatosRead more

Photobiography of actress Marília Pêra has launch on the river

Book is sponsored by the network of Hotels Othon was released, yesterday, Monday (25), in the bookstore Travessa (Shopping Leblon), in Rio de Janeiro, the photobiography of actress Marília Pêra, sponsored by the network of Othon hotels. Among dozens of friends, actors, personalities and fans, Tomás Ramos attended the event; Martha Bezerra de Mello; Lars Berggren plus … Read more

Exhibition celebrates the 50 years of Grace's career in the Postal Museum Andreato, in Brasília

From 4 February, the Postal Museum receives the Candy display Andreato, 50 Years, It gathers some of the major works produced by Paraná artist over half a century of career, in a trajectory that attaches to the Golden phase of Brazilian popular music, à luta contra o regime militar e pela afirmaçãoRead more
