Guilherme Vaz-a fraction of infinity

Book-catalogue about the trajectory of the multimedia artist Guilherme Vaz that brings together an overview of the life and work of one of the most complete Brazilian artists. With trouble chart, the bilingual edition features previously unpublished essays, historical texts, critical and analytical, documents, registros e fotografias O livro será lançado com um debate entre os curadores Franz Manata – … Read more

Cultural spaces gain paraciclos

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba began this week to install paraciclos in cultural spaces. Are 100 parking spaces for bicycles distributed in 12 units: Raheem Mill, Memorial of Curitiba, Solar do Barão, Cinematheque, Students ' Palace (UPE), Theater Novels Curitibanas, Creativity Center in Curitiba, Portão Cultural e nas Casas da Leitura WalmorRead more

Exhibition “All Over” in the Galerie des Galeries from 24 February

Curated by Samuel Gross and vertical stripes theme, the exhibition assembles works of 19 artists in the space dedicated to the visual arts of the traditional department store Entre 24 February and 14 de Mayo, a Galerie des Galeries – espaço dedicado às artes plásticas da Galeries Lafayette Haussmann – acolhe a exposição “AllRead more

Praia do Gonzaga receives free film screenings

“Honda Consortium Outdoor Circuit” project offers four daily sessions to residents of the region Between days 19 to 28 February, the project "Consortium Honda outdoor Circuit", carried out by the Institute of Creative Economy Baseline3, with sponsorship of the National Consortium Honda, take free film sessions to the residents and visitors of Saints. … Read more

OLiberato pop sound animates the Young public Evenings in Copacabana

Globe project leads the singer to the Kiosk of the Globe the day 21 February, Sunday, às 17h O Quiosque da Globo vai ser palco da apresentação de mais uma revelação do Jovens Tardes – projeto da emissora que leva ao público novos talentos da música brasileira. On 21 February, Sunday, from … Read more

Cultural heritage protection law of Curitiba will be voted on Tuesday (16)

The City Council vote in first round, This Tuesday (16), the replacement of the Cultural Heritage Protection Law of Curitiba. The Bill comes, among other issues, fiscal instruments that will allow the preservation of property and intangible assets, das penalidades previstas para os casos de não conservação das edificações de valorRead more

Nina Simone: Live At Montreux for the first time in the session of Philos + Globosat

“Prohibition in the United States” will also be shown on 19 February, Friday, from 1 pm The Philos Session in February brings news to the public for those who watch the channel's content on +Globosat. On 19, Friday, os fãs de Nina Simone terão a chance de conferir as apresentações da cantoraRead more

Sea of Cultures invites experts to talk about anxiety disorders and disorders of contemporary society

Chat happens in the day 18 February, a partir the 19h, the Globe Kiosk The disorders and anxiety disorders are common in contemporary society, and will be subject of the next Culture Sea. To speak on the subject the day 18 February, the Globe invited experts that will debate, em seu Quiosque –Read more

Monoblock and Fire & Passion do free shows Carnival Edition of River Station

Flying Circus will stage the Globe that happens on the day 21 February, Sunday, from 7 pm Revelers, keep not even his costumes and props. Is that on the day 21 February, Sunday, a Globo vai organizar uma grande festa para aqueles que gostam de curtir a folia do Momo até oRead more

Course of conservation and restoration in its Museological Interdiciplinaridade – NEW CLASSES

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo open new classes for the course of “Conservation and restoration in its interdisciplinary Museological”, with Prof. Titina Corso. Through theoretical presentation, and Dialogic practice, It is intended to stimulate the participants to note technical and artistic, para análise morfológica e identificação da cultura secular do material artísticoRead more
