MAR performs weekly "You would like to participate in an artistic experience?”

1 to 3 June the School look at the Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the Institute's management Odeon, promotes a series of meetings with the participation of artists and educators between the 1st and 3 of June. The seminar "Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?” vai discutir o projetoRead more

Free Course: Shroud of Turin: Between the Holy, the art and science

The sacred art museum promotes a free course with Prof.. Dr. Jack Barrios on the topic “Shroud of Turin: Between The Holy, the art and science”. OBJECTIVE: The goal of the course is to present the Holy Shroud of Turin not just as a mere object of religious nature, a "mere" relic, but how … Read more

The mob invades Curitiba on Teix Gallery

Teix Gallery receives exposure ' Saints ' street, that portrays the most famous characters - real and fictional - from the history of organized crime in the line of artist Douglas Xamã Curitiba will be invaded by gangsters this month. Of Lucky Luciano, the father of the crime in New York, the Virgil Sollozzo – the "Turkish", one of the … Read more


Rio Othon Palace will host artists performing on one of the most important stages in the country The Othon Hotels Network announced cultural support for the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro. From now on, os artistas que se apresentam em um dos mais tradicionais e respeitados teatros do mundo passamRead more

Exhibition “Aurora, again amanhecida” Gonzalo Ivo

The painter and Visual artist Gustavo Rebello presents Gonçalo Ivo Art exposure Aurora, with works that illustrate the book of the same name by his father, the writer and poet Lêdo Ivo of 25 of May to 24 June 2016 Gustavo Rebello Arte Av. Atlantic 1702, Shop 8, Copacabana Tel: 2548-6163 De segunda àRead more

Shared Creation Centre receives group exhibition of 6 new creators

After the exhibition of pictures by photographer Kim Leekyung, the shared Creation Centre receives the exposure that COMES FROM WITHIN, with six new names of the arts, selected from a public notice of the CCC itself: Fran Chang, Julia Parker, Clarissa Mendes, Renato Income, Victor Dantas and Vitor Zanini. With … Read more

Exhibition organized by Raimundo Rodriguez pays homage to Saint George in Rio

Blockbuster since the premiere, the collective installation “Save St. George 23” occupies the halls of the Municipal Cultural Center Laurinda Santos Lobo until next day 22 May. Over 500 people attended the opening of the show which honors the Holy Warrior, São Jorge, in the last day 23. O idealizador e organizador éRead more

Urban Sketchers draw the Gibiteca de Curitiba

One of the attractions of programming of reopening of Gibiteca de Curitiba in a new space at Solar do Barão was the presence of the Group of designers Urban Sketchers, I took the opportunity to capture their impressions of the place. The drawings produced that night are part of the exhibition "Urban Sketchers draw the Gibiteca", who … Read more

Partnership between City Hall and UFC takes actions of graffiti to the Plaza Alfonso Botelho

The Estádio Joaquim Américo Guimarães receives the UFC 198 This Saturday (14). As a counterpart, the organizers signed a partnership with the municipality of Curitiba Cultural Foundation to bring the city the artist Simone Sapienza, the Siss. She came to Curitiba to paint the shell of the Plaza Alfonso Botelho, que fica emRead more

Works by Gisela Motta e Leandro Lima in the exhibition Power counting sheep at Sesc Santo Amaro

Nine works – electronic circuits, sound waves, fluorescent lamps, heat-sensitive cameras and other devices manufactured – are among the amazing demonstrations of life components, We talk about the bodies, the cities, the landscapes and nature. A exposição CONTANDO OVELHAS ELÉTRICAS, open to the public in March (stay until 26 from … Read more
