Tuesday, day 30, will be the last day to visit the "Abaporu", masterpiece by Tarsila do Amaral, at the Art Museum of the river-SEA

The work "Abaporu" (1928), Tarsila do Amaral, considered the first lady of the national modernism, will be at the Museum of art of River-SEA only until next Tuesday, day 30 August. The frame, that is part of the acquis of the Malba, in Buenos Aires, retornou ao Rio de Janeiro pela primeira vez desde oRead more

Philos displays documentaries of the acquis and further chat on House of knowledge in São Paulo

"The Dalai Lama and Tibet's future", "Foucault x Foucault", "You're Happy?”, “Hitchcock e Truffaut” e “O Poder do Pensamento” estão na programação do canal on demand O Philos – canal on demand da Globosat – vai apresentar mensalmente ao público da Casa do Saber, in São Paulo, produções de seu acervo que reúneRead more

Neba gallery presents Felipe Barbosa exhibition about art and sport

Leisure option, the free exhibition "Functional Art" of artist Felipe Barbosa's playing up 17 Neba September Gallery. The space is in the historic centre of Rio de Janeiro, behind the CCBB and well within a mile of Shore Mayor Luiz Paulo Conde. A mostra dialoga com o clima que a cidade do RioRead more

Free Course: The Catholic Church sculpture baiana

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on “The Catholic Church sculpture baiana”, with the Prof. Claudia Guanais. The course objective is to promote the polychromy of sacred sculpture Bahian Catholic, showing the various repertories used by artists throughout the centuries XVIII, XIX and XX. Pretende-se também mostrar as característicasRead more

Artistic interventions give new colors to the Rebouças Mill

Four major artistic interventions begin to give colors to the Rebouças Mill, current headquarters of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba. The artists Christina Pagnoncelli, Estevan Reder, Wes Range, Coffee and Dell Raj started this week the transformation of space-themed façade that celebrate the city, people and nature. Os trabalhos continuam em produção até o próximoRead more

Shows always something between Us continues the Project [I'm Here], in Sesc Belenzinho

Galciani Neves is the curator of the exhibition that brings together contemporary artists and emphasizes the many forms of relationship between audience and artwork. In this next phase, o projeto também traz atividade de formação com jovens que têm interesse em estudar e produzir coletivamente Discutir os mais diversos elementos das artes e o modo como eles seRead more

Artistic Installation: Renato living Income

LIVING is the name of the new installation of Visual artist Renato Income. A piece of trunk of a fallen tree during the storms in Sao Paulo offers natural sculpture, demonstrating the aesthetic force of nature amid the unpredictability of urban space. O artista ressalta que o acaso foi o responsável pela concepçãoRead more

Exhibition "The Flying Poet, Santos Dumont "promotes new exhibition of documentaries dedicated to Brazilian inventor, in August, at the Museum of tomorrow

Sessions of "the man can Fly" and "Dumont-the challenge of air" happen in days 24 and 31, respectively, with free entry to those who could not watch the documentaries about Alberto Santos Dumont in the month of July, at the Museum of tomorrow, não perdeu a chance de saber ainda mais sobre a trajetória desse grandeRead more

Exhibition of Guto Lacaz – Electro Esfero space by Rosangela Vig

Feel everything in every way, Live all on all sides, Be the same in every way possible, at the same time, Perform itself all mankind, of all times, A fuzzy moment, profuse, complete and far away. (FIELDS, 2011, p.20) The passage of time, art moves forward with great strides, … Read more

Exhibition "The Mbyá Guarani" premiere at the River

Photo shows the river Poty Vherá bar Design and Danilo Christidis, first indigenous coauthored, It depicts southern Brazil Guarani communities In 2008, the photographer and educator visual Danilo Christidis began visiting Vherá Poty, Chief of the Mbyá Guarani village of Itapuã, in Viamão, in Rio Grande do Sul, a fim deRead more
