Gibiteca inaugurates exhibition in homage to Noviski

The Curitiba Gibiteca opens next Tuesday (6) an exhibition featuring works of the Illustrator and graphic designer paranaense Carlos Alberto Noviski. The exhibition also opens one of the halls of Gibiteca, What is the name of the cartoonist. The exhibition will show the genius, a acidez e o belo traço deixado por Noviski em suasRead more

Summer school 2017 – Jesus: God the verb image of man

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes new edition of summer school, that this year will address the topic “Jesus: God the verb image of man” and will have the Faculty reference names in question in Brazil imagery: Prof. Dr. Claudio Pastro, Prof. Dr. Jack Barnett, Prof. Dr. Marcelo James, … Read more

Glauco Mathur presents exhibition "pages of the book: The revelation of narcissus "for guests

The artist Glauco Mathew is 1000 per hour! With several ideas and projects for the new stage of his career, he receives guests, journalists and opinion leaders on the day 14 September (on wednesday), at the Maison School and art gallery, from 8:00 pm, para o coquetel de abertura da exposição “PáginasRead more

Waste performance happens at Sesc Bom Retiro

Alexander D ' Angeli uses 350 kilos of red sand to cover his static body for two hours Action that opened the performance sector of SP-Arte 2016, the performance WASTE will be presented at Sesc Bom Retiro within the PER-FORMA Exhibition on the 13 September, Tuesday, from 19 to 21 hours. The work of the artist Alexandre D'angeli, … Read more

Programming SEA

From 3 to 25 in September the Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, has prepared a very special programming for the month of September. Among the activities planned are the MAR program at the Academy, que promoverá um encontro entre diversos pesquisadores para debater o amor e a sexualidade naRead more

Book criticizes alleged perfection of social relations

Reflect on what lies behind appearances, This is the proposal of the new book the writer Claudia Marczak. Titled "a perfect world", the novel attempts to represent one of the great dramas of the society, the self-image of the social classes. The work tells the story of Louise, a beautiful woman, attractive, mother of two children, … Read more

Mário de Andrade Library receives contemporary art Are Queiroz

The artist's works blend movement, strong illustrations and serenity Is Qayyum is, in the midst of so many familiar names, a face yet again – even when it comes to an artist with almost two decades of professional career and a lifetime dedicated to get striking images of paints, brushes and all manner of instruments. Who … Read more

BUT promotes an on-site Class: Visit to the temple Zu Lai

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a class in loco for the Zu Lai Temple (Fo Guang Shan Buddhist monastery), with Professor. Dr. Jorge Lúzio. Located 30 km from São Paulo, in the municipality of Cotia, the Zu Lai Temple, integrating the monastery Buddhist order Fo Guang Shan Chinese, … Read more

New House art and contemporary culture presents exhibition “Ulla! Ulla! Ulla! Ulla! Martians, Outer reaches and humans” with artists David gold medal, Ferdinand Duval, Henrique Alvim Corrêa, Kiluanji Kia Henda and Olaf Breuning

Curated by Jane Daniel, the show features works inspired by "alien" São Paulo, august 2016 -In 4 September, Sunday, às 11h, the new House art and contemporary culture opens the exhibition "Ulla! Ulla! Ulla! Ulla! Martians, Outer reaches and humans ", coletiva com curadoria de Jane de Almeida que apresenta obras comRead more

Artistic diversity of the Mendes family on display in Curitiba Memorial

Artistic production of three generations of the Mendes family will be on display at the Salon in Curitiba Memorial Paranaguá, from 11:0, This Saturday (28). Curated Fernando Bini, “M3ND3S” the paintings in oil on canvas by Jair Mendes; the videos, paintings, drawings and installation of Cristina Mendes and André Mendes productions. … Read more
