The Mazo Auctions are looking for works of art for your first auction, What happens on the day 10 November, from the 8:00 pm, the Graciosa Country Club, in Curitiba. The event is free and part of the proceeds will be donated to the Oncology sector of the Hospital Pequeno Príncipe. The process of capturing works is quite simple and happens until 14 October. So far have been collected works of artists Miguel Bakun, Cicero Days, Alfredo Andersen, Arthur Nísio, Beatriz Milhazes, Regina Silveira, Carmela Gross, among others. With institutional support of dedicated galleries Simões de Assis and YES Gallery, the prediction is that the to auction 80 works, with bids starting at R$ 5 1000 and can reach the R$ mark 2 million. Who have academic works of Paraná, Brazilian modernists and contemporaries … Read more