“What about the Biennial?” by Glauco Mathur

I have a passion for fine arts, Anyone who knows me knows that! I Have 18 years of career and always pawned in various functions involving this playful and charming world. In addition to artist, I'm a curator, teacher, collector and, of course, lover of the arts. Adoro viajar em busca de conhecimento e para apreciar o que éRead more

Lab.7 Art competition

Lab. art contest 7 Malamegi company is betting on the creation of a new collection of works by selecting an artist between 12 finalists of the contest. The contest is aimed at promoting the artists participating in it, giving them the opportunity to become involved effectively in the market of art and decoration. PRIZES: exposição final emRead more

Gibiteca promotes collective release of comics

The Curitiba Gibiteca promotes next Friday (21), at 19h, the biggest event of the collective history of the city, with the participation of 28 curitibanas magazines produced for the Bienal of Comics from Curitiba. "These publications, added to the 12 releases already carried out on Gibiteca in 2016, demonstram a efervescência da produçãoRead more

LABLIVRE the Federal University of ABC in partnership with the Ministry of culture conduct research on Cultural production tools

The free Software Laboratory of the Federal University of ABC is carrying out a project in partnership with the Ministry of culture on tools (software) cultural production. The first stage of search search to map the cultural software, owners and free, used by the artists, producers, institutions and cultural movements in their daily practices, bem como asRead more

“Open Breast Design!” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

The Cay-Clube Atlético Ypiranga, through its cultural Department and its Director Edmund Chandra, is honored to receive the "Scars" of the artist Vilma Kano, creator of Open Chest Project, beautiful gesture of social action. Part of this project! You are all invited, free entry. www.cay.com.br Projeto De Peito Aberto! You already know? This project … Read more

KAKA WERÁ calls for the launch of his book “THUNDER AND WIND "

Book launch of Kaka Werá Thunder and Wind a path of evolution by Tupi-Guarani shamanism 18 October 2016 19h às 22h Biblioteca Pública Estadual Luiz de Bessa Galeria de Arte Paulo Campos Guimarães Praça da Liberdade, 21 – Funcionários Convite:

Gallery East presents a group exhibition featuring 100 artists

Contemporary Cabinet of curiosities has curator Marco Antonio Portela and features works by artists such as Joaquim Paiva, Kitty Paranaguá, Rogério Reis, Vicente de Mello and Walter Carvalho Opening: 15 October, the 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm hours of operation: de segunda a sexta das 14h às 20h Sábado por agendamento No sábado, day 15 October, to … Read more

Cultural box Brasilia presents the Jazz series of Henri Matisse

“It is not enough to put colors, by very beautiful they are, some at the foot of the other, It takes even if these colors Act on each other. Otherwise is pure cacophony. Jazz is a rhythm and a meaning”. Henri Matisse, 1952 The Cultural Box Brasilia inaugurates day 25 of October the exhibition Henri Matisse – Jazz, with … Read more

Photographic exhibition "shift(…)"transforms the common and everyday life in surreal

The "shift(…) the offset of a thought, a will, a feeling "Sander Riqueti will be on view in the Gallery EMBAP, from 17 October 2016, Monday to Friday, the 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm, exceptionally days 19 and 26 October of 10:00 at 4:00 pm, it is Saturday, from 10:00 to 12:00. The exhibition brings together … Read more


With the opening in 13 October, the exhibition about the German artist remains on display at the Galerie des Galeries until 21 January 2017 From 14 October and up 21 January 2017, a Galerie des Galeries – o espaço dedicado às artes da Galeries Lafayette em Paris –Read more
