Cloister in color display

Keys – Portugal 5-19 November 2016 The idea of the exhibition is to propagate the artist in essence, in his Studio… with his techniques, materials and their thoughts… Thus, We formed this group of artists, interested in propagating the art from its beginning. Allowing enjoy, such as, por qual o caminho e de que forma aquelaRead more

Alexander D ' Angeli offers the reader at Sesc Ipiranga

Ação que integrou a mostra Movimenta da Galeria Mezanino acontece durante três dias dentro do Projeto Performapa 13 national and international authors books with romance, poesia e arte são o ponto de partida de O LEITOR. The new work of the artist Alexandre D'angeli, integra o Projeto Performapa, the Sesc Ipiranga, e acontece dias 4, 5 and 6 … Read more

Contemporary Archaeology: Claudio Parties exposes the deconstruction of painting in Tiradentes Palace

Artist explores memory and layers in individual shows traces of past exhibitions inhabit parts of "Contemporary Archeology", which happens to 03/11 to 05/12 in Tiradentes Palace. The exhibition of visual artist Claudio Party is the result of an experimental exploration and uses techniques of restoration of panels that formed an art gallery for almost … Read more

gold River 2016

The artist Lee Borges is in a great phase of his career. In August 2016, He participated in the International Art Exhibition River 2016, performed by Eric Art SP, the Brazilian Society of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, where was the third time awarded his work Nebula Rise, and now with gold medal. … Read more

Culture Room Leila Diniz brings exhibition on utopia

The artists Carlos Valencia and Luciane Valencia invite us for a swim between parallel worlds Utopia is the ideal civilization idea, fantastic and imaginary. A system or plan that appears unrealizable, a costume, a daydream, an illusion, a dream. Carlos e Luciane Valença nos propõe um paralelo entre a realidade e possíveisRead more

House Kozák opens collective exhibition of artists of the Creativity Center

A Casa Kozak, cultural center of Uberaba neighborhood, reopened in September after undergoing renovations and expansion, opens on Friday (28) the exhibition "Ubiquity", that brings together works in ceramics, binding, notch, marchetaria, Mosaic and restoration of wood, artists ateliers of the Curitiba Creativity Center. Os artistas foram convidados a exporRead more

Batel Patio receives Artworks Exhibition going to Auction

Paraná academic works and highlights the national contemporary art are exposed to 06 November The Batel Patio receive between days 25 October and 06 November some works of art that will be auctioned by Mazo Auctions on 10 November, the Graciosa Country Club. Esta é uma chance para os interessados conferiremRead more

First collection of curated art of Belmond is shown aboard the Irish train Belmond Grand Hibernian

A Belmond revela a primeira coleção de arte curada pela empresa, "Inspirations of Ireland", aboard the Belmond Grand Hibernian, the only luxury night train Ireland. The collection offers a unique perspective of the rich Irish tradition North and South, assim como de sua cultura contemporânea e de paisagens incríveis através de umaRead more

In the depths of fantastic fiction

Intrigue the reader with mystery and suspense. This is the intention of the writer Anderson Fraser with his new book ". Bergier & Other Stories ". With original plots, Fraser brings a literature material that discusses the impact of the limits of science, politics and religion in post-modern society. A obra reúne nove contos com narrativas deRead more

Cultural gate offers free digital art workshops

The Digital Art Center's Cultural Gate with open registration for two workshops, a video-art and other generative art. The courses are free of charge, with weekly classes between the months of October and November. A oficina “Vídeo-arte e o contexto atual” é orientada pelo artista Tony Camargo e aborda a produção deRead more
