Artist and set designer Sergio Marimba throws Furniture of the time in Rio

Antique objects are transformed into furniture and unique pieces of decoration and gains new meaning Opening: Saturday, 03 December Schedule: the 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm free entry. The artist and set designer opens on Saturday, 03 of december, his newest project, the furniture of time. Com a proposta de transformar objetos antigos em móveisRead more


"I especially like hell, I feel daughter of fire and storm. Of rest, everything moves me…"Morgan-Morgan-Snell Snell (1920-2007) Visitation: until 04 th December 2016 Curated By: Marc Pottier postal Cultural Center presents until 04 th December 2016 the show of an artist considered a case apart in the world of art, … Read more

Art Exhibition: Renato Income THOUGHTS

At the very moment of creation, the travelling by the artist's thoughts? This question inspired the title of the new exhibition of the visual artist Renato Income, THOUGHTS. Colors, forms and concepts presented in advance to the artist or are formed in the course of the actions? What kinds of feelings, wishes or distress are experienced? Todos estes questionamentos são refletidosRead more

SEA inaugurates two exhibitions in November

While drink water, the water I drink – Lucia Laguna my world your-Alexandre Sequeira Of 29 th November of 2016 to 26 February 2017 Gallery talks (29/11): 15h – While drink water, a água me bebe – Lucia Laguna 16hMeu mundo teu – Alexandre Sequeira ORead more


city- and Dortmund State Library, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dear (to) artist, Registrations are now open for the exhibition “Eric Art – 40 years” to be held at the Musée Du Louvre, in Paris. Below the information on display with big world media disclosure. Places are limited and filled by order of registration. 40% the vacancies have already been filled – 11/2016. [divider] [divider] IMPORTANT: FAVORRead more

New exhibitions come at engraving Museum

The Curitiba city engraving Museum receives new exhibitions from this Thursday (24). Juliane Fuganti, Dulce Osinski, Ricardo Carneiro, Everly Giller, Maya Weishof, Eduardo Cardoso Amato, Kailash Buzzatto, Miriam Fischer and more artists 6th Prize winners Ibema feature their new productions in the language of engraving. Check: 6IBEMA th prize of ENGRAVING … Read more

We're all ' bugs ' metros

Show the reader the "bug" that every human being carries within itself. This is the intention of the writer Anchieta Mendes with his new book "Metropolitan Bug". The work brings to literature the daily lives of people showing the animal side of human being in a colloquial form, ironic and angles, at the same time, … Read more

The "architect of the Cardboard" inaugurates the exhibition "all Gifts" in Vila Isabel

Sérgio Caesar, artist known for creating slums and houses made with recycled material and micro-trash, inaugurated this weekend the exhibition "all Gifts". Until January the Cultural Inheritors of the Village, Boulevard Mall River, will receive the exhibition of artist around the world with his works of art. In … Read more

With questions about art PROJECT [I'M HERE] opens new exhibition at Sesc Belenzinho

Composed of four exhibitions, the Show I'm Here converges the questions and reflections gathered in the previous stages of the project, in order to emphasize the many forms of relationship between the public and the work of art. Um dos destaques da mostra é um conjunto inédito do artista pernambucano Paulo Bruscky Lançado em julho de 2015, o PROJETO [I'M HERE] … Read more

Exhibition "The Flying Poet, Santos Dumont "achievement international award

Shows won the gold in the International Design & Communication Awards (IDCA), as best temporary exhibition scenography The exhibition communication and the scenography of the Museum of Tomorrow were also recognized with a bronze medal in the award, delivered in Canada this Thursday, 17 de novembro “O Poeta Voador, Santos Dumont ", exposição que destaca a capacidade de inovaçãoRead more
