Exhibitions in the spaces of the Cultural Foundation are leisure option for the holidays

Several exhibitions open in the cultural spaces and museums of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba are good options for vacation programs. Solar do Barão hosts photography exhibitions, engraving, drawing and comics. No Museu Municipal de Arte tem exposições que contemplam obras do acervo, digital art, quadrinhos e instalações. Exposições de caráterRead more

Paula Klien premiere their first show of plastic arts, in February, on Auguststrasse in Berlin

Fourteen works with Nanjing will be part of the solo "Invisibilities", marking the new phase of the artist, after years dedicated to photography After long years dedicated to photography, having raised the recognition and consecration, especially, in the fashion circuit, whether in campaigns and editorial or, Paula Klien takes up one of their first artistic manifestations: o desenho e aRead more


Are about 700 frames. Most of the free throw! Chance really only! . Four days of auction (Click on the dates below to view catalog): 16/01/2017 – Second, at 2:00 pm 17/01/2017 – Tuesday, at 2:00 pm 18/01/2017 – Fourth, at 2:00 pm 19/01/2017 – Fifth, at 2:00 pm . . And more! Enjoy! . FLÁVIA CARDOSO SOARES … Read more

Engraving Museum offers vacation courses

The engraving Museum city of Curitiba is with open registration for courses in January. They will be offered the linocut courses, lithograph, woodcut, metal engraving and a theoretical-practical workshop on engraving. As oficinas especiais de férias acontecem de 9 from January to 11 February. Information and registration by phone (41) 3321-3360 … Read more

VIII Cultural Shows YES – Cultural Centre by Edmund Chandra

As already disclosed earlier, happened day 5 January the opening of the VIII Mostra Cultural YES, in the cozy space SIM Cultural Center, Shopping Pátiomix located in Linhares / ES. Curated by Tati Kings. The show runs until day 26 January 2017. Free entry. The event had the presence of participating artists, convidados eRead more

5º Salon d'Automne of Latin America by Edmund Chandra

Artist friends don't forget to register for the 5th edition of the most important art show in Latin America. Registration extended until 31 January 2017. SOAL – Art without Borders Proven fact, four years after his birth in 2013, o Salão de Outono da América Latina já é visto como uma dasRead more

FCC's museums collections can be consulted on the internet

The Technical Cooperation Agreement signed between the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba and the State Department of Culture for the adhesion of municipal museums to the State Museum System already presents the first results.. Em janeiro terá início o processo de migração dos bancos de dados dos acervos para um novo sistema que possibilitará aRead more

Last few days to visit the exhibition of Biju on Neba Gallery

Don't miss your chance to visit the exhibition “Biju – The linesman to Flag” in the Neba Gallery. With free admission, the exhibit will be on display until 30 of december, from Tuesday to Friday, from 11:00 to 7:00 pm and Saturday, the 11:00 the 6:00 pm, Rua do Rosario, 38, no Centro Histórico do Rio deRead more

Joachim Lebreton and the French mission in the MNBA

In celebration of 200 years of the arrival of the French Artistic Mission to Brazil, the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes/IBRAM/MINC inaugurated the next day 14 of december, from 12:00, the exhibition Joaquin Lebreton – the art scene in 1816 the French mission in Rio de Janeiro. Um dos aspectos interessantes da curadoria de MonicaRead more

Studio DN ' takes the stage with the ballet Don Quixote

The presentations are divided between the Theatro (D). Peter and the Teatro Santa Cecilia, in Petropolis (RJ) The version of the ballet Don Quixote by DN ' (Petrópolis-RJ) premiere on Tuesday (13/12) in Theatro (D). Pedro, at 8:0 pm. On 15 of december, Thursday, the school of dance presents the show at the Teatro Santa Cecilia, also … Read more
