Brazilian artist paints pregnant belly frame of Bella Falconi

Bella Falconi has shaped your tummy 9 months of pregnancy one day before giving birth to little Victoria. The belly was guarded by a year and two months before Ricardo Rocha decided to make a resin finish to prevent the plaster crack. Então surgiu a ideia de fazer da barrigona umaRead more

Free course Christianity under construction: Worship and architecture

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “Christianity under construction: Worship and architecture”, with Professor. Dr. Jack Barnett. The goal of the course is to present the relationship between worship and architecture within the Christianity and, in a special way, as this relationship has settled over the centuries. … Read more

Exhibition “Accessibility – In addition to the Physical Spaces "by Rosangela Vig

The exhibition “Accessibility – In addition to the Physical Spaces ", produced by the Embassy of Sweden in Brazil and by the Swedish Institute (SI), was opened in 2016 by the Minister of children, Elderly and gender equality of Sweden, Mrs. Asa Regnér, during the Paralimpíadas, in the library in Rio de Janeiro State Park. With the support of Federal Deputy Mara Gabrilli, to … Read more

Atelier Gallery opens Secret architecture

Exhibition 24 pictures of Monica Barki – Curator Frederick Dalton Opening day 10 February 2017, at 7 pm Free admission The secret is here. Supposedly revealed. Why not admit that architecture mentioned in the title of this exhibition can also be the architecture of this gallery? The Workshop starts the year 2017 … Read more

Places of Delirium

Art Museum of Rio. Photo: Thales Milk.

From 7 February 2017 Gallery talk: 16(h) the Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, opens in 7 February, the exhibition Lugares do delírio. Idealized by Paulo Herkenhoff and curated by Tania Rivera, the exhibition displays some 150 jobs – between … Read more

New walk GALLERY PIN displays languages and formats

*In The Living Room A, the brasiliense Raquel Nava exposes ' Beast Beast Pop Fauna ', mesclando material orgânico e objetos do cotidiano *Sala Dois recebe o trabalho conjunto da holandesa-uruguaia Diana Blok e da norte-americana Ilene Sunshine com ‘Diálogos Subterrâneos’ A partir das 18h do próximo dia 4 February and up 4 de março a ALFINETE GALERIARead more

Garage Workshop presents: PRATODOS Exhibition

The Dish, This is the media chosen for the exhibition PRATODOS, where 40 artists submit your poetry on this object so common, but full of meanings and suggestions. Each artist will receive a dish and it will have total freedom of expression. The proposal is to discuss the ethics in food these days. As peças serão vendidasRead more

Course Sculpture 2017

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes new edition of Sculpture course with master Wandecok Chandra. The goal of the course is to provide all construction development of Baroque sculptures in clay – ceramic. O conteúdo programático e o processo com manuseio do material no período habilitará o mesmo a ser umRead more

Virtual auction has treasures of Brazilian artists

The first edition of the novel "the Frontiersman", which presents a prose with characters characteristic of the Brazilian sertão, of José de Alencar, the book "Elegies", by Cecília Meireles and several other rare works will be auctioned off by the Dutra Leilões space through a virtual auction that takes place on 18 and 19 January, at 8:30 pm. Accordingly … Read more

With great visitation, the exhibition "Limits", the carioca artist Marcos Duprat, continues until 17 February, at the national library, in Rio de Janeiro

Attracting large audience at Espaço Cultural Eliseu Visconti, at the national library, the exhibition "Limits", the carioca artist Marcos Duprat, keep playing until the day 17 February. Admission is free and the show also offers guided tours, from 10:30 to 4:00 pm, from Tuesday to Friday. As obras que focalizam reflexos e mergulhadoresRead more