Invitation: 40º Hall of art and literature from VADUZ – Principality of Liechtenstein by Edmundo Chandra

Artist friends! We will be participating in the 40th Hall of art and literature from VADUZ – Principality of Liechtenstein: Days 3 and 4 June – 2017. With Awards in all disciplines! This is the biggest cultural event of Brazilian art in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Participating artists will enter the General catalogue of the Salon, with one … Read more

The Zero gravity by David Bowie

“Zero Gravity” is the new book of poems by the writer Alexander Guarnieri, winner of the Jabuti Award 2015. New work, published by the publisher Penalux, It is a tribute to the singer David Bowie embodied that gave life to the astronaut Major Tom in the songs "Space Oddity", “Ashes to Ashes” e “Hallo Spaceboy’. According to the writer, o livro conta sobre um astronauta perdido que decide escrever poemasRead more

Free Course: The architecture like painting support

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “The architecture like painting support” with the Prof. Silvana Borges: Architect, conservative and cultural heritage Restorer. The course addresses the artistic expressions that need architecture as a support: to wall painting, tile, mosaico, among others; traçando um panorama desde a arte rupestreRead more

The arts and crafts fair BUT/SP

The Museum of sacred art promotes Edition 2017 Arts and crafts fair, whose goal is to support students and partners who develop and make crafts to the public, who attends the Museum and its activities, meet the artisans. The fair has a wide range of products, de diversos segmentos, incluindo Food Trucks comRead more

Artist Fernando Aquino and collector Marcelo Savio open exhibitions in Pin Gallery – 11 March

ABOUT the title of the exhibition: Local Cortex: Pin – An Artist Room Gallery: Fernando Aquino title of the exhibition: Circuit – Presentations on Local collecting cycle: Pin – Room TWO Collector's Gallery: Marcelo Savio Service: Pin Gallery CLN 103 Block B store 66. Opening Saturday 11 March at 18h. Em exposição até oRead more

Restaurant Paris 6 Miami displays works by brazilian artist that were exposed in the Louvre

The artist Punch Freire, What is brazilian who lives in Miami, exhibited for the first time in the United States his works which were exhibited in the Louvre, in Paris. The opening of the exhibition was held at the Paris restaurant 6 in Miami Beach with the presence of the owner Isaac Azar, do jogador de futebol Julio BaptistaRead more

On international women's day artist Christiana Guinle opens exhibition that debate the feminine in works produced in Iphone

After showing in Paris and Normandy, ' Décadence Noire "arrives at Rio de Janeiro and features urbanidades and expressionist portraits of fatal women that illustrate the female thought Décadence Noire" Exhibition Opening: on wednesday, 08 March Schedule: 19 horas Galeria Aliança Francesa Botafogo Curadoria: Nina Sales A atriz e artista plástica Christiana Guinle abre, day … Read more


CULTURAL BOX BRASILIA, FROM 22 FROM MARCH TO 14 MAY 2017. FREE ENTRY. Exhibition presents paintings, pictures and sculptures of the artist in the main gallery of the Cultural BOX Brasilia * show features poetic and hard-hitting views of Afro-Brazilian culture icons, do patrimônio imaterial e de símbolos da religiosidade de matriz africana A palavra ‘Diáspora’ vem do gregoRead more

Painting Exhibition, Dare… Dream! by Rosângela Vig

I am that woman who taught time Taught to love life. Don't give up the fight. Start over in defeat. Forgo the word and negative thoughts, Believe in human values. Be optimistic. I believe in an immanent force that connects the human family In a luminous current Of universal brotherhood. I believe in human solidarity. I believe … Read more

Ponteio Lar Shopping's rejects are transformed into exhibition scenography

For some time now that reuse and transforming materials that would have been discarded has become essential for the harmony between the ecosystem and the man. Much of what goes in the trash can win new forms and functions, just a critical eye, creativity and good taste. With these three pillars that guided your work, … Read more
