Meeting room program within

From 25 March Exhibition Hall | The ground floor of the Rio Art Museum - SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, opens in 25 March a new exhibition program called Meeting Room. The first exhibition of the program, que tem como título DENTRO, conta com trabalhos dos artistas convidados CarlaRead more

Free Course: Existentialist literature and Philosophy

The Sacred Art Museum promotes free course with Prof.. Dr. Neide Rabbit Bangura on the topic “Existentialist literature and Philosophy”. The main objective of this work is not only to bring to the attention of this audience the works of these authors, mas principalmente despertar nestes uma sensibilidade mais aguçada para a percepção daqueles que vivenciaram este momentoRead more

Fabiano philosopher Daniel throws book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” in Angola a day 18 April

The writer and philosopher Fabiano de Abreu, He accepted the invitation by the University Gregorio Semedo to launch his book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” in Luanda, capital of Angola on 8 April at 18h local time to 800 people. A imprensa angolana estará presente no local para acompanhar o evento que teráRead more

Vernissage Painting Exhibition, Dare… Dream! by Rosângela Vig

Be the tree that blooms That fruits and spreads on the floor. Let the hungry despojarem you. In your serene branches there are blooms eternal and all mouths they shall be satisfied (MEIRELES, 1995, song XX) The art always ventures, seeking new ways to talk to the soul, to arouse emotions and to awaken. This thought has always accompanied … Read more

Almandrade, The concept between the verb and the Visuality

(small formats) GALLERY BARÓ – consolation after the concrete poetry movement, there is 60 years and the Poem/process for 50 years which led to the total viewing radicalisation: the word was excused from the poem, getting just the signs or words / images that develop in the white space of the paper. A geração de poetas artistasRead more

What ABOUT inaugurates the Centro Cultural Correios next Wednesday (22)

A fraction of the matches with real that characterize the contemporary part of the exhibition "what ABOUT US", with the opening day 22 March 2017, at 19h, at the Cultural Center of the post office in Rio de Janeiro. Curated by Luiz Sérgio de Oliveira, the exhibition presents works of Angelo Issa, Daniel Moreira eRead more

Invitation Exhibition “MAM collections”

WE INVITE YOU TO THE OPENING OF THE NEXT EXHIBITION OF MAM RESENDE. WITH HER WE WILL INAUGURATE THE NEW OPENING HOURS TO THE PUBLIC. VISITATION: Tuesday to Friday 10 at 7:00 pm and Saturdays 14 at 18h (Except Holidays) ADMINISTRATIVE TIME: Segunda a sexta de 10h às 18h Serigrafias e Litografias do Acervo do Mam. Fayga Ostrower Artists, … Read more

Virtual exhibition brings together about the Olympic Games commemorative coins River 2016

A virtual exhibition brings a collection of coins, of gold and silver, in tribute to the Olympic and Paralympic Games held in 2016 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. They will be presented, from 14h to 19h, through the website of the Delhi Area Auctions, until day 20 March, When will be rounded off. In addition to the Games, there is … Read more

CNART: Art dealers registered not have fine of up to $10 1000

In the context of actions to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, the Heritage Institute for National Artistic (IPHAN) published in 9 from March to Ordinance No. 80 from 2017, establishing penalties for dealers of art and ancient works that do not conform to industry standards. A medida tambémRead more

Zoravia Bettiol, the lyric and the dreamlike

Launch of book on the career of the artist happens Saturday (18/03) in MARGS The artist and the exhibition's curators “Zoravia Bettiol – The lyric and the dreamlike” throw novel to show held at the end of 2016. With book signing and cocktail, the event occurs this Saturday, 18 March, in Margs (Square … Read more
