ANGELS IN AMERICA premieres at the PRUDENTIAL Theater

ANGELS IN AMERICA. Photo: © João Gabriel Monteiro.

Armazém Companhia de Teatro presents ANGELS IN AMERICA Paulo de Moraes' scenic version of Tony Kushner's masterpiece returns to Rio de Janeiro, not Prudential Theater, from 28 April to 8 de Mayo. Considered by many scholars as the most important theatrical text of recent 50 years, ANGELS IN AMERICA is a diptych … Read more


Event "The Art of Collecting III", table. Disclosure.

Collection meeting series, heritage and art market The Eva Klabin House Museum offers, in the days 19 and 26 April and 03 and 09 de Mayo, at 8:0 pm, the event “The Art of Collecting III”, which includes a series of four meetings on collecting, heritage and art market. The action arises … Read more

African Film Festival launches Revista Crítica on the day 15 April

The Ugandan film The Girl in the Yellow Sweatshirt (2020) is one of the titles analyzed by the Revista Crítica de Cinemas Africanos, featured. Photo: Remember the Blessing.

Free online publication gathers reviews, essays and profiles on the cinema of the African continent and its diaspora The African Film Festival launches on the 15 April (Friday) the electronic publication Revista Crítica de Cinemas Africanos. for your debut, were gathered about 20 texts, between criticisms, essays and profiles, in addition to translations … Read more

April cultural activity at the Eva Klabin House Museum

Educational Activity – TRAVELS THROUGH THE KNOWN-UNKNOWN at the Eva Klabin House Museum, featured. Disclosure.

KNOWN-UNKNOWN Eva Klabin House Museum | Research workshop on indigenous cultures In the month of April, the Eva Klabin House Museum offers the public an activity that provokes reflections on the different cultures within the Brazilian territory, the “Known-Unknown” workshop. Her, participants are encouraged to travel through different indigenous cultures through photographs, … Read more

Free event offers Angolan and Brazilian dance classes at CEU Heliópolis

The Kizomba Yetu collective will hold Angolan and Brazilian dance classes, featured. Disclosure.

The Kizomba Yetu collective will hold Angolan and Brazilian dance classes, as a workshop alluding to Women's Month, where they will address the History of Queen Nzinga – symbol of resistance to Portuguese colonialism in Angola, a very strong woman, force, attitude, articulator and more, in addition to having a basic class of … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 51º Blombô Auction with Selection of Moderns

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 51º Blombô Auction with Selection of Moderns, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

51º BLOMBÔ AUCTION WITH MODERN SELECTION 28 March 2022 Monday at 8 pm AUCTIONEER Flávia Cardoso Soares – JUCESP Nº 948   [button color =”blue” size =”medium” link =”″ target =”blank” ]CHECK OUT![/button] [divider] Some highlighted lots [divider] Follow our social networks: Instagram: @FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes Facebook: Facebook / FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes [divider] How to buy at auctions: just access the … Read more

CCBB Rio presents “Around the World in 80 Days” based on the work of Jules Verne

Show "Around the World in 80 Days". Photo: Mariana Chama.

Sponsored by Banco do Brasil, CCBB Rio pays tribute to the work of Júlio Verne with the trilogy Viagens Extraordinárias conceived by Cia Solas de Vento, três montagens teatrais que convidam o público infantojuvenil e adulto para juntos embarcarem no universo fantástico de Júlio Verne e juntos imergirem em uma cenografia que mistura vertentesRead more

Journalist Maria Clara Parente launches second book of poetry, 'Push the Floor’

Maria Clara Parente, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Autograph session takes place 26/3, at Livraria Janela, from 5 pm Push the floor (7letters) it's an invitation to other types of movement during the paralysis of hard times. Some themes like death, refuges, failure and “slowness” as an alternative within a world that works 24/7 são temas do livro de poemas escritoRead more

Coral Paulistano presents a concert in honor of Naomi Munakata

São Paulo Choir. Photo: rafael savior.

Conductor, who died in 2020, will receive homage in presentation on the next day 26 March, at the Municipal Theater of São Paulo. On the same day, the Camerata of the Experimental Repertoire Orchestra presents “Beethoven por le Himself”, at the São Paulo Arts Square, 21 March 2022 – No próximo dia 26 March, at 8:0 pm, … Read more

2º SPITI art auction. brings together works by great artists such as Andy Warhol, Ai Weiwei, Banksy, Carlos Cruz-Díez and Marina Abramović

Photo by Marina Abramović, “Cleaning the Floor” (2004), featured. Photo: Disclosure.

In its second edition, the auction house SPITI.AUCTION establishes its brand of uniting the contemporary with the traditional of the visual arts and proposes, in a pioneering way, novas mídias no evento com o uso de NFT Obras de grandes nomes da arte nacional e internacional estarão disponíveis para arremate no 2º leilão da SPITI., who … Read more
