Urban design Festival: Belo Horizonte is preparing to receive the 4th edition of DMAIS DESIGN

It may seem a matter of knowledge of few and unknown to the vast majority of the population, but, the development of all object always has behind a design project that was thought to enhance your use. Examples abound, the design is in fashion, in creating products, on a House plant, on mobile, … Read more

Movie of La Casa de La Madre shows the creative process of the artist Cusco Rebel

The walls of La Casa de La Madre won the designer illustrations Cusco Rebel. The artist's creative process was shown in a documentary film made by the producer At the invitation of La Casa de La Madre, the designer Cusco Rebel, the eponymous Studio, created a series of arts to illustrate the walls of the boutique … Read more

On-site course-art and culture in Minas Gerais: Diamantina and Saw

The course aims to assist in the identification of different artistic styles (Baroque, Rococo and neoclassical) and deepening questions about the creation of religious institutions and the artists ' drive to meet the demands of the Church and society diamond mining. PROFESSOR Marcos Horácio Gomes Dias é Doutor em História Social pela PUC-SP; Mestre em HistóriaRead more

Book recalls history and shows the challenges of textile industry

"Art and technique of clothing in Santa Catarina" brings the history of the industries of the third largest textile producer in Brazil. Projeto editorial é o primeiro a usar Inteligência Artificial para promover seu conteúdo gratuitamente O que Santa Catarina tem a ver com a roupa que você veste? Mostrar a resposta dessa pergunta é a principalRead more

Tomorrow fair at Praça Mauá

In one of the most Wonderful city landscapes renewed, will be released in the next day 14 April, Friday of Holy week, the fair of tomorrow, located between the River Art Museum (MAR) and the Museum of tomorrow, in the heart of the revitalized praça Mauá. Encouraging local production, a organizadora Katia Braga informa que aRead more

Lab. 8 Art Contest

The Malamegi company is raffling the creation of a new collection of works by the selection of one artist among the 12 finalists of the contest. The contest is aimed at promoting the artists participating in it, giving them the opportunity to become involved effectively in the market of art and decoration. PRIZES: – exposição final em Roma – prize … Read more

Belmond participates in the Nuova Fiera of Chatsworth House with a garden of dreams for your guests

"A charming park for nature and for you, our guests.” Belmond announces its participation in the inaugural edition of the Royal Horticultural Society Chatsworth Flower Show with a dream garden designed by Butter Wakefield, the Belmond Enchanted Gardens. The exhibition, that will occur in Chatsworth, located in the town of Derbyshire, between 7 and 11 … Read more

Free course the painting of still life: symbols and styles

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “The painting of still life: symbols and styles”, with Prof. Dr. Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce. TEACHER Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce is a Post-Doctor at the Department of Modern Letters at FFLCH-USP. Graduated in history from the State University of Campinas (1997), Mestra em História da Arte e daRead more

Wild freaks take fiction and adventure for the reader

A thrilling fictional plot about war, superpoderes e conflitos de ordem pessoal embalam o novo livro “Aberrações Selvagens”. Escrito pelo youtuber e crítico de séries Felipe Salazar, a obra conta a saga entre diferentes raças de animais antropomórficosseres com feições animalescas, mas com aparência e comportamento humanos – que precisam conviver numa mesmaRead more

From abstraction to neoconcretismo: a tribute to Decius Vieira

From 8 April to 9 July Sesc Quitandinha-Petrópolis (RJ) Quitandinha Palace, in Petropolis, was the scene, in February 1953, one of the landmarks in the history of brazilian art: the 1st National Exhibition of abstract art, resultado de articulações entre a Associação Petropolitana de Belas Artes e o Museu de ArteRead more
