FIOCRUZ will gain unprecedented artistic Panel

Public call is with registration open until 8 May to Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC) will have a panel of unprecedented artistic painting on the building of the documentation centre on the history of Health (CHDS), the construction is nearing completion. To integrate the entrance hall of the building, a Sociedade de Promoção da CasaRead more

Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel has walks in the gardens and Sculptures show

The property has just launched walking by their gardens, They also host the annual exhibition of large sculptures in bronze 118 years of tradition, the Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel always innovates in activities for its guests. This time, a propriedade da Cidade do Cabo que integra a coleção Belmond está lançandoRead more

Santander Cultural inaugurates the exhibition Paul Gasparotto-Certain small Follies…

Porto Alegre, 10 April 2017 -The shows Paul Gasparotto-Certain small Follies…, open to the public 19 April through 28 de Mayo, in Santander Cultural, allows a deep dive in the vast universe of journalist, one of the most prominent and charismatic practitioners of communication in Rio Grande do Sul. Por meioRead more

Contemporary-international exhibition of Textile Art

From 27 to 29 April Club Mount Lebanon technique known for their delicate designs, the patchwork-in Portuguese, "works with flaps"- is gaining bold contours. With new languages, won art status. Todo o resultado da criatividade dos artistas plásticos que hoje se dedicam a técnica pode ser conferido na Contemporâneo – Exposição Internacional deRead more

Exhibition: LUNDU and BANZAR Lucia Araujo

Two series of combined works are proposed to this exhibition: The Series Lundu, is a series of paintings in oil on canvas that part of a survey conducted in the year 2016 about the participation of African culture in the genesis of Brazilian culture. A série de pinturas teve como referencial um banco de fotos porRead more

Book shows how the poetry

The poetry is born of something. It may be of note, of the disease, joy, the lull, of the unusual, of the study and the unthinkable, this is what writer Severino Antônio says in his new book “Nascentes”. Published by Penalux, the work intends to show the origin of this literary genre, that is, onde realmente nascem osRead more

SOAL 2017 -Salon d'Automne of Latin America "the Place of art" by Edmundo Chandra

In your 4° Edition, held in may 2016, the SOAL confirmed your place as second international exhibition of Visual Arts, without commercial purposes held in Brazil. Welcoming the significant number of 11500 registered visitors during the event period (from 5 May to 5 of June 2016) no Memorial da América Latina em São Paulo. … Read more

Free Course: Costuming and Adorn the body BUT

The sacred art museum receives the Portuguese professor Dr. Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa to teach a course on the topic “Costuming and Adorn the body: the Egyptians to the twentieth century”. The objective of this course is the study of clothing from the Egyptians to the years 30 20TH century, analisando a relevânciaRead more

Zokatos – Lyrical Abstraction na MyCineMag

MyCineMag has the honour and the joy of being able to disseminate the work of the artist Zokatos. Abstract art-Parisian Artist Lyric, chose art as a way of life a little by chance. It was through encounters throughout your youth, in particular, your best friend's brother, o grafiteiro MIST que o incentivaram a progredir e seguirRead more

ArtExpo Summer Rome − International Art Exhibition in Rome (Italy)

14 day exhibition open every day until 22 hrs! ArtExpo Summer Rome − International Art Exhibition in Rome (Italy) from 2 June 2017 until 15 June 2017 Vernissage Friday 2 June, to 6 p. m. in the prestigious location of Domus Romana Art Gallery Via Quattro Fontane, 113 00184 Roma Situada emRead more
