Ponteio and receive Leader Ricardo Gaioso

The Ponteio Lar Shopping opens its doors and, along with the Interior Leader, gets the editor of Kasa, Ricardo Gaioso, on 10 de Mayo, às 10h, Ponteio Lar Shopping in Cineart. Attending a lecture circuit by Brazil in partnership with the Leader, Ricardo, in the State capital, conta um pouco do queRead more

Free master class analyzes the history of the String Quartet

Classical music has never been as accessible as it is today. Thanks to projects like the Villa-Lobos and children, young talents of poor communities in Rio de Janeiro can learn more about music. On 06 de Mayo (Saturday), in the Imperial Palace, mais uma master class coloca instrumentistas e amantes de música cara a caraRead more

Procedures for safeguarding a modern residence

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “Procedures for safeguarding a modern residence: House Nadyr de Oliveira / Carlos Millan. Fabio Di Mauro Coordination, Mirza Pellicciotta and Vanessa Kraml. OBJETIVO O objetivo do curso é estudar estratégias de salvaguarda e conservação de uma casa moderna paulistana projetada por CarlosRead more

"Inset" mixing verses and watercolors in the room Leila Diniz

Exposure of artists Troythulu and Paulo Roberto Cecchetti arrives at the Culture room in may, the Leila Diniz Culture Room will bring the lightness of art through the encounter between verses and watercolors. From day 5, with free admission, a artista plástica Luciane Valença e o poeta Paulo Roberto Cecchetti apresentam aRead more

Literature: Luiz Pimentel in “Without Agenda” by Fabiano de Abreu

Luiz Pimentel. Photo: MF Global Press.

We live a very confusing time in journalism. The information came to be from anyone. Everything belongs to everyone on social networks, so we lose copyright of the information and, but serious, exclusive and quality material. That's why it makes so much sense for me to recommend a book of real reports – “Sem Pauta (reports, Diários e Fotos deRead more

Renata Spallicci, to “Fit Executive”, talks about the inspiration for your book and on creating your Publisher

Renata Spallicci, He suffered bullying in childhood and today is called “Fit Executive” for your flawless body, talks about the inspiration for your book “The dream to the realization”, It will be released on 18 de Mayo, and about creating your own Publisher, the Legacy. “A inspiração para o livro foi a palestraRead more

Book of poetry promotes reflection on peace

Work which is the fruit of work with high-risk communities, performed by artist Eni D ´ Oak in the middle of the century 21, many men, women and children are the fruit of the violence generated by various reasons. The peace often appears not to exist and is far from human being. Foi esse quadro que inspirou a escritora e Artista-EducadoraRead more

Virtual Bookshelf brings together over 3000 people throughout the day to celebrate World Book Day

Company made a treasure hunt on Praça Mauá and presented readers with securities purchased in your network of booksellers, In addition to copies with dedications donated by personalities even with threat of rain, the Praça Mauá was taken by readers last Sunday (23). The audience was in search of hidden keys for Virtual Bookshelf, … Read more

Fabiano de Abreu grants interviews live on major TV shows of Angola and Mozambique to talk about your book

The writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, are in Luanda, capital of Angola, to launch the book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” the University Gregorio Semedo on Tuesday, day 18. On Monday, day 17, ele foi o convidado especial em três dos maiores programas deRead more

Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro National Exposition of fine arts I

Event, curated by Fabio Porchat, happens day 25 April next Tuesday, day 25 April, at 19h, the Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro presents the first National Exhibition of fine arts. The show, that is a realization of the ward (Latin American Academy of art), account with contemporary works of 30 Brazilian artists, … Read more
