Brazil In Focus

Antonia Celia, Warmth (I). Photo: Disclosure.

Artist Antonia Celia exposes his works at the Gallery 32, in London Recognised by your subtlety and elegance, the Brazilian artist Antonia Celia presents two works at the Gallery 32, located in London, Embassy in Brazil. The frames, created especially for the event, entitled Coziness and warmth I II, poderão ser vistos peloRead more

Exhibition at the Cultural Box Rio de Janeiro discusses the relationship of humans with the environment

Series When I Saw - Libraries. Photography by Claudia Jaguaribe.

Concrete nature displays pictures, videos and installations of 17 Brazilian artists and groups the Cultural BOX Rio de Janeiro presents, from 9 September to 12 th November of 2017, Concrete Nature exposure, discussing and deepens a permanent interest in art, in science and philosophy: as relações dos seres humanos com a natureza eRead more

BUT promotes free course on “The contagious power of faith in JESUS CHRIST”

MAS promove Curso Livre sobre "O poder contagiante da FÉ em JESUS CRISTO". Disclosure.

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes free course on the topic “The contagious power of faith in JESUS CHRIST, martyred and propagated by the Western Roman Empire and the East” com Father Dimitrios Attarian of the Antiochian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral. EXHIBITION “Easter of the Union” curated by Eleonora Maria Fincato Fleury. PROGRAM First … Read more

Renata Adler inaugurates exhibition in Rio de Janeiro in September

Renata Adler, Interwoven World. Photo: Disclosure.

The ruins Park Cultural Center, in Santa Teresa, receives 26 sculptures of the artist inspired by the solar system. Obras foram feitas a partir de técnicas que provocam reações químicas na matéria e utiliza materiais inusitados como o pó de café Exposição sobre o sistema solar marca a estreia da artista Renata Adler no Rio deRead more

RELIGARE – Exhibition of paintings by Manoel Teixeira

Manoel Teixeira, Goddess of the Valley, 57 x 72 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

From 16 from August to 16 September 2017 The shows RELIGARE brings together a continuous production of paintings, from a constructive geometric design more strict, joined to a representation of life in its most essential elements, buscando sempre um olhar atento e sensível às relações entre formas eRead more

ND Awards 2017

ND Awards 2017, featured. Disclosure.

ND Awards is now accepting submissions for the 2017 edition of our annual photo contest. ND Awards aims to promote photography and photographers. Our idea is to create new opportunities to present valuable work to audiences all over the world. Pretendemos construir um lugar onde os fotógrafos possam mostrar diferentes pontosRead more

Cinequanon, of Focus Cia de Dança, Premiere in Sao Paulo and references to more than 80 world cinema movies

Cinequanon, with the Focus Cia. of Dance. Photo: Paula Kossatz.

Show moves the audience with tracks, scenes, costumes, titles and references various films of world cinema; choreography opens the week at CCSP TEASER Dance: the brand new show Cinequanon, of Focus Cia de Dança, Premiere in Sao Paulo on September 1 for a very short season (until 3 September) the CCSP – Cultural Centre … Read more

The Studio Gallery is inaugurating day 1 September 2017 Reveries-exhibition of photos and the photographer's studies Demian Jacob

Demian Jacob, Exhibition Daydreams. Disclosure.

Opening at 7:00 pm with free admission. The exhibition Daydreams, set of 20 images, between pictures and studies, Jacob will be inaugurated Demian on the day 1 September, at 19h, Studio Gallery. Award-winning Studio Expo 2017, Devaneios leva curadoria de Marcos Bonisson e Joaquim Paiva que assina também o texto de apresentação. … Read more

Paróquia São Francisco de Paula receives the camera Orchestra of the city of Curitiba

Curitiba City Chamber Orchestra. Photo: Gilson Camargo.

Another edition of the project "Concert in the churches" of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba happens this Thursday (31), at 8:0 pm, the parish St. Francis of Paula, the neighborhood We. In this presentation, classic works of various periods will be performed by the Orchestra of Camera of the city of Curitiba, the Group Camerata, sob a regência e direção musical do spallaRead more

Artist friburguense will bring paintings and installations to the Culture room

Bê Sancho, Harlequin. Photo: Disclosure.

The Culture room Leila Diniz receives for the first time the artist friburguense Bê Sancho, with the exhibition "Visual Poetics". Inspired by their memories, the display will consist of some installations and 35 oil paintings on canvas, of which 18 are original. The regulars of space can give the works from 4 and 29 September. … Read more
