Chapel Santa Maria receives 2 Festival Olga Kiun

Between the days 1 4 November the chapel Santa Maria will host the 2nd Festival Olga Kiun of Chamber music. In four nights of concert will go through the stage of iconic cultural space guest musicians from Brazil and abroad to perform classical works, muitas inéditas ou raramente tocadas emRead more

Film library receives Japanese movies show

To celebrate the month of Japanese culture, from this Tuesday (31/10) the Cinémathèque de Curitiba receives the "Shows of Japanese movies". Will be five comedies and two animations, all original Japanese audio and subtitles in Portuguese, that will be on display to the public until Friday (03/10). The exhibition is free and features current works … Read more

Assembly workshop of cribs with natural scenery

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes Assembly workshop of cribs with natural elements with the Prof. Odete Maria Pinto Ferreira. The workshop will address theoretical and practical contents for residential cribs. Theoretical content: oral exposure of 45 minutes, com utilização de slides abordando a história do presépio e oRead more

Centro Cultural Casa Kozák starts new programming

The sunny morning this Saturday (28), was inviting for children participate in the storytelling of the Cultural Centre Casa Kozák. The airport Jennifer Hau took your son, Henry Pizza, eight years, to enjoy the new programming of the House Kozák. For Jennifer, the House's new proposal will be important so that the son … Read more

Special 100 years of the Russian Revolution: four films to understand how she changed the world

List selected by the Channel Philos has recent documentaries, from 2016 and 2017, on the conflicts that divided society between capitalists and Communists. Channel today is a reference for the collection of the highest quality, with content that can be accessed on demand and the first month free for new subscribers Communism versus capitalism, scientific dispute and … Read more

Free Course: “Modern Art: Figuration and Abstraction” No MAS

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on the topic “MODERN ART: FIGURATION AND ABSTRACTION” Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce OBJECTIVE the course has as objective to present an overview of the aesthetics of modern art call, Since your Genesis, in the late 19th century, until the end of World War II. The … Read more

The Camerata concerts have free programming

Choir of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba has free presentations at hospitals and Church, This Thursday (26). The programming is part of social projects of the group you want to bring classical music to those who do not have access. The schedule starts at 10:30, in the Hospital Pequeno Príncipe, with a repertoire focused on children's works. At night, … Read more

Celebrities dress up the art of graffiti artist TOZ

Treading the Well with the Child Health in partnership with the graffiti artist Toz, the NGO promotes the sale of t-shirts with his unique art, online challenges and a trail in the Urca Hill to celebrate their 26 years, Associação Saúde Criança carries out the Trilhando o Bem campaign in partnership with the artist and … Read more

Conservatory of MUSIC has free performances this week

The Conservatory of MUSIC of Curitiba performs this week three free attractions. The chorinho is present in two of them. On Thursday, the traditional Cry wheel receives the cavaquinhista Lucas Miranda and on Saturday, Pixinguinha's compositions will be presented by the Orchestra based on Breath, within the project Pixinguinha in the square. On Sunday, music … Read more
