International Book Salon in Rio receives registrations

Project has toured several cities like New York, Lisboa, Berlin and Montreal Writers from different regions of the country are being invited to present their works at the International Book Fair in Rio de Janeiro. Organized by ZL Publisher, the event will take place in the France-Brazil, in central wonderful city, between days 28 from … Read more

Extension course, "The Muslim World in the Iberian Peninsula” No MAS

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes University Extension Course in partnership with the São Bento College, about the topic “The Muslim World in Iberia: the Caliphate and the Christian reconquest” with Professor. Dr. Roberto Coelho Barreiro Son. Summary: The Islamic invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, refere-se a uma série de deslocamentos militares e populacionais ocorridos a partirRead more

Pallets are transformed into furniture to equip Worktibas

Over 40 pallets that were going to waste will be transformed into furniture to the public coworkings City Hall, os Worktibas. The idea, developed by the Municipal Institute of Public Administration (Imap), It is to reuse the pallets, Gross transport platforms and storage that support loads of food purchased by the Municipal Supply (Smab) for … Read more

“Worth living, live worthwhile” by Fabiano de Abreu

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Vagner Souza / MF Global Press.

We are a generation of many who have been here and the many who will be here. these, many will fall by the wayside. No matter the weather, no matter the age, what matters is to do something so that your life does not exist by mere accounting. The changes will only be felt from the actions, the … Read more

artist Aline Pascholati creates website about art and culture

The Artrianon is a website about art and culture founded by Aline Pascholati, artist and art historian graduate of the Sorbonne (Paris, France), in 2016. visual arts, design, sets, architecture, literature, cinema and many other topics are present in materials, articles, interviews and exhibition covers and fairs. Dentre os colaboradores que compõeRead more

Scholar merger with popular sets the tone of the 35th Curitiba Music Workshop

The 35th Curitiba Music Workshop will be open on Saturday (27), at 19h, at the Teatro Guaíra, with a concert that joins the Camerata Antiqua de Curitiba, Vocal Brasileirão, pianist Cristina Ortiz and singer Jane Duboc a tribute to composer Tom Jobim. A fusão entre a música erudita e a músicaRead more

Mayor launches ten bids to hire 261 cultural projects

The mayor Rafael Greca launched on Monday (22/1) ten new edicts of the Municipal Fund of Culture in various artistic fields, the total amount of R$ 2,9 million. The application period starts on Monday and runs until 21 February. The announcements with all the information is available at the Cultural Foundation site. This year, … Read more

Pre-Carnival in Curitiba begins with party for children

The pre-carnival events scheduled by the City and Curitiba Cultural Foundation on Sunday begin, day 21 January, with Garibaldinho - a party for children and animated by Garibaldis Sacis block. Programming in January and February continues with block outs in Marechal Deodoro Avenue in the Bairro Novo, to … Read more

BUT promotes practical course: A Cusquenha Art

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes Free Course – Practical “Expressions In Sacred Art: A Cusquenha Art“ The artistic tradition called Cuzco School developed in the colonial period between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries; é considerada o primeiro centro de formação que sistematicamente ensinou técnicas artísticas europeias nas Américas com a introdução de umaRead more

Practical Course: Conservation and Restoration in Madeira in MAS

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes practical course: Conservation and Restoration in Madeira, with Prof. Esp. Marcia Cristina de Almeida Corso Methodology: Conservation and Restoration Wooden Addressing: pictures - oratories - altarpieces - Icons, and the imaginary mixed wood - roca pictures, carta pesta e cana de maiz Para ver a gradeRead more
