French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro presents show the French Mathieu Boogaerts at Teatro Maison de France

Event is part of the Francophonie Month programming and have free entry to the French Alliance brings a tour in several Brazilian cities the singer and French composer Mathieu Boogaerts, recognized for his original repertoire, minimalist, poetic and humorous. In The River, French Theater presents the Maison de France on 19 … Read more

Bolhazul launches inspired clip in Manet's works

Scenarios built with recyclable materials give life to paintings Bolhazul The band drinks Impressionist source, Renaissance and Romantic in the video for "Manet", song that anticipates the group's first album to be released this year. Produced by Pupil, Junior Company UNB, the bold clip holds the screen a parallel between painting, music, dance … Read more

Maria Valeria Rezende debut 2018 with new fiction book

Winning writer presents tales that dialogue with childhood, the aging and death. One of the greatest exponents of Brazilian literature, the award-winning writer Maria Valeria Rezende releases his newest book by publisher Penalux. Titled "The Serena Face", a obra reúne contos que mostram a evolução e o amadurecimento de protagonistas que experimentam o contatoRead more

Camerata opens this week social program with free concerts

The Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba has free performances week in hospital and church. The programming is part of social projects of the group you want to bring classical music to those who do not have access. The schedule begins on Wednesday (14/03), at 10:30, at the Hospital. On Thursday (15/03) the presentation takes place at night, … Read more

Curitiba Creativity Center offers 18 course options

The St. Lawrence Park Creativity Center is with open enrollment for 18 permanent courses in various modalities and affordable. Sculpture, ceramics, woodwork, mosaico, violão, theater and yoga are some of the options offered. Entries must be made on site, on the course (schedules below). Funcionando como um laboratório deRead more

Documentary about Francisco Brennand is featured in Short!

The story of one of the leading names in Brazilian art activity comes to Short! Tuesday of Arts, 13, at 21.25. The documentary "Francisco Brennand", signed by the great-niece of the artist, Mariana Brennand, describes the career of Pernambuco from his diary - started more than 60 years – containing records of his life. Painter, … Read more

Parque Lage – IUPERJ offers the first Graduate Trustees for training in Rio de Janeiro

Inaugural class, open to the public, will be on 14 March (on wednesday), com o artista Marcos Chaves e o curador Paulo Sergio Duarte O IUPERJ e a Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage apresentam o curso de pós-graduação “lato sensu” Curadoria de Arte Moderna e Contemporânea, com coordenação dos críticos de arte e curadores PauloRead more

Women Pioneers are the subject of guided tour on Saturday at the Municipal Cemetery

With the theme "Women Pioneering" researcher Clarissa Grassi will drive, in the morning on Saturday (10/3), guided tour in the Municipal Cemetery of Curitiba. The action marks the International Women's Day and the script in the necropolis will present the trajectory of women who played important roles in the history of Curitiba. According to … Read more

The history of Brazilian royalty is told by Auction pieces in São Paulo

The most important auction of Brazilian imperial pieces ever held after the auction of Paço Imperial A Dutra Leilões, one of the largest houses of its kind in Brazil, with more than 30 years of experience in the market, promote an in-person auction with part of what belonged to the collection of the Brazilian Imperial House, que é espólio deRead more

Society is called to contribute to the construction of the Cultural Heritage Policy Material

The Heritage Institute for National Artistic (IPHAN) It takes an important step for strengthening conservation actions of cultural material goods in the country, counting on the participation of the whole society. Opening a direct channel with the population, a partir do dia 1º de março estará disponível no site daRead more
