The orchestra Wind Base launches CD with singer Izabel Padovani

The São Paulo singer Izabel Padovani is the guest of the Orchestra of Curitiba Wind Base (OABS) to launch the CD Passarinhadeira, recorded live in 2017. The concert takes place on 8 July, 19h, the Auditorium Salvador Ferrante, from Oscar Niemeyer Museum. The repertoire is entirely devoted to the songs of Guinga, … Read more

Baron of Serro Azul and the Federalist Revolution is lecture topic

The Documentation Center and Research Guido Viaro, promotes on Thursday (28/06), a new edition of the lecture "The Baron of Serro Azul and the Federalist Revolution – Traitor of the Hero ". The event takes place at the Solar do Barão 14.30 to 16.30 and includes observation visit. As inscrições são gratuitas e podem ser feitasRead more

historical drama "The Price of Peace" wins release in digital platforms

São Paulo, June 2018 - The film "The Price of Peace", first feature film director Paulo Morelli, It was launched on 21 June on iTunes, Google Play e NOW. shot in 1999 and released on 2003, o drama histórico conta a história real de uma revolução e um barão no final do SéculoRead more

#BUT promotes free course: “The Christian Iconography In Brazilian Baroque”

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “The Christian Iconography In Brazilian Baroque” with Professor. Horacio Marcos Gomes Dias holds a Ph.D.. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The images of the saints are among the most pervasive themes in colonial Brazil, mainly by the religious orders and the secular religiosity. São os melhores exemplos das devoções pessoais e do discurso oficialRead more

Symphony Orchestra Apprentice in Room Leila Diniz

The Apprentice Symphony Orchestra presents, on 26 of June, at 12:30, in the series "Concerts in the press", the room Leila Diniz. The entrance will be free. Created in 2007, OSA is the main orchestral formation of the "Apprentice Program – Music in School ", Niterói maintained by Prefecture, e funciona como plataforma de inserção doRead more

Chapel Santa Maria receives 40 city ​​coral in the 3rd week of Choral Singing

This week will be dedicated to the Choir Chapel in Santa Maria. lectures are, workshops, CD release and 40 choirs doing free daily concerts until Sunday (24/6). Promoted by the Camerata Antiqua Choir of Curitiba, with the general direction of Mara Campos, 3rd Week Choral Henrique de Curitiba begins on Tuesday (19/6), with … Read more

In this fourth round table with Jac Leimer and Vera Chaves Barcellos discusses artistic experiences in recent decades

The artistic production in recent decades will be discussed by Jac Leimer and Vera Chaves Barcellos with round table in the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, This Wednesday (20/06), a partir the 19h. Free, the event will have the mediation of the artist Livia Piantavini and integrates the project activities “Spherical painting” Tony Camargo, viabilizado por meio do Programa deRead more

“The Portuguese language: one sketch of a people, their feelings and thoughts” by Fabiano de Abreu

The Abreu Fabiano philosopher brings a deep reflection on the language of the connection to the source, history and legacy of a people, as well as your thoughts and emotions. What is the language? What it is? Why it exists? Um estudo filosófico e antropológico pretende mostrar que a linguagem é mais doRead more

Dear William presents a dramatized reading of the text "The Revolution of the Blessed", Dias Gomes

COLLECTIVE THEATER OF WILLIAM DEAR PRESENTS TEXT dramatized reading "The Revolution of the Blessed", Dias Gomes 12/06/2018 the 20:00 (Tuesday). Reading office Guilherme Araujo Rua Redentor 157, Ipanema Collective THE WILLIAM OF DEAR, formed from Theater Workshops Practices Reading Office Guilherme Araújo, coordenado pelaRead more

Practical Course: Conservation and Restoration of Tiles, with Prof. Titina Corso

OBJECTIVE: The course aims to address the tile in its artistic ambience, historical reading and temporal problems, understanding that this artistic representation, It is a part of considerable importance to our Historical and Artistic Heritage. The observation of this art is recurrent in religious complexes and palaces, as well as in private homes, Decorative details of streets, … Read more
