Memorial hosts Circuit on Arab Culture

From this weekend the Memorial of Curitiba receives the 1st edition of the Arab Cultural Circuit. lectures, cultural performances and exhibitions on Arabic culture, the event takes place on two weekends: in the days 04 and 05 and in the days 11 and 12 August. There are several attractions, todas gratuitas eRead more

Soprano Berlin State Opera Theater performs in Curitiba

The soprano Adriane Queiroz, singing at the State Opera House in Berlin, one of the most important opera houses in Europe, will perform at Curitiba this weekend. The concert organized by the Community Center Opera Curitiba (NOCC), together with the Camerata UFTPR, vai apresentar o programa Magnificat na CapelaRead more

Book dialogue between the poet's present and past

Dialogue between contemporary poetry and traditional, this is the aim of the new work of the writer Luiz Otavio Oliani. Published by Penalux, the book "Palimpsestos, Other Voices and Water "brings reflection, from different angles and literary influences, on the great questions of all time: love, the loneliness, death, to … Read more

Free gym: "From Matter to Affection: the construction of the meaning of jewelry”

The next day 01 August, the Museu de Arte Sacra promotes a free lecture on the topic “From Matter to Affection: the construction of the meaning of jewelry“, with the Prof. Dr. Ana Steps. What is the significance of jewelry in Brazil today and how it was built? Como se dá a relação que temosRead more

Camerata starts the second half with two presentations in churches

Two presentations in Curitiba churches open programming the second half of the Camerata Antiqua de Curitiba. This Tuesday (31/7), the Chamber Orchestra of the City of Curitiba is presented in the parish of Our Lady of Luz dos Pinhais, and on Thursday (2/8), it is the turn of the Camerata Choir at St. Peter Parish, on the neighborhood … Read more

MAR performs debate on challenges of museums in international seminar

Art Museum of Rio. Photo: Thales Milk.

INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON CHALLENGES OF MUSEUM IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY 26, 27 and 28 of July The Museum of Art of Rio - MAR, under the Institute's management Odeon, held the International Seminar - Museum Challenges in the XXI century, What happens in the days 26, 27 and 28 July. Bringing together practitioners and researchers from various fields, … Read more

Cascavel and Foz receive Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba

After the presentations at the Sala São Paulo, the main country's concert hall, and in the state saw, in Campos do Jordao Festival, Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba continues its journey into the Paraná. The tour by the Paraná west passes through two cities and also leads presented works in São Paulo. Os concertos acontecemRead more

Curitiba meets best percussionists in the world in international festival

world-renowned percussionists will be in Curitiba for a week to the second edition of the International Percussion Festival. The 2nd FIP Curitiba will open next Monday (16/7), às 19h30, Theater in Londrina, the City Memorial and will continue until Sunday, with concerts classes and workshops. Over seven days, o público terá acessoRead more

In São Paulo, Camerata Antiqua de Curitiba displays “Motetos Bach”

With the regent Luis Otavio Santos and accompanied by soloists, the Camerata Antiqua de Curitiba run “Motetos Bach ", in the Campos do Jordao Festival performances. At Sala São Paulo, most renowned space Brazil, The concert takes place on Thursday (12/7) and on Friday (13/7), the Claudio Santoro Auditorium, in Campos do Jordao. Essa turnêRead more

International competition “THE MONSTERS TO DWELL”

NOT OUT OF STAY, HAVE FUN AND STILL WIN INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE TO INCLUDE IN YOUR CURRICULUM. Universe Art Kids next to Brenda Salles, convoke all artists ( age free ) and FREE way to participate in the international competition THE MONSTERS TO DWELL. A criadora da série OS MONSTROS QUE HABITAM é a artistaRead more
