Didactic Concert with Felipe Karam Quartet ends the Violino no Choro project in Caxias do Sul on 1/1/03

Felipe Karam Quarteto presents repertoire that celebrates Brazilian music. Photo: Luiza Porcher.

Violinist from the state of Rio Grande do Sul ends the first stage of the project aimed at training in Brazilian popular music for young instrumentalists in the Serra Gaúcha. Various themes from the national repertoire and copyright songs of Brazilian origin will be in the repertoire of the Didactic Concert “See if you like”, that marks the end of the Violino no Choro project in Caxias do Sul, no … Read more

Third single from the project ‘Sinestesias’, by Pedro Longes, will be released on 05/03 on digital platforms

Pedro Longes sought an organic sound, dynamics, for your third single. Photo: Luis Ferreirah.

Canoe singer and songwriter releases the song 'Samba Erudito', in which he mixes a syncopated samba melody with a piano The singer and composer from Canoas, Pedro Longes, launches the third single from the project “Sinestesias” on all digital platforms, next Friday, day 05 March. Titled “Samba Erudito”, the song mixes a syncopated melody … Read more

André Paz at Mistura Fina on the day 25/02

André Paz takes the lead in music, in theater and advertising. Photo: Thais Fernandes.

Among the rock, the jazz, to milonga, o folk, the singer and songwriter from Rio Grande do Sul exhibits the versatility of his musical production The edition of the day 25 February of the Mistura Fina project highlights the work of André Paz. Taking advantage of the virtual format, the singer and songwriter from Rio Grande do Sul presents, in a documentary way, the songs that … Read more

Synesthesias with Pedro Longes

Pedro Longes: unpublished copyrights in intimate arrangements. Photo: Luis Ferreirah.

On Saturday (20), 18h, the Ecarta Musical project receives the composer Pedro Longes to present the show that celebrates the return of the musician to Brazil The repertoire is authorial in voice format, piano and guitar. Pedro Longes seeks to reframe previous works, from the first record, Connection, released in 2015, and features unpublished original songs in arrangements … Read more

Luzia Dvorek launches music video next Sunday

*Image extracted from the video clip, featured. Disclosure.

Luzia Dvorek launches video clip of the song “appears addiction”, no Sunday, day 14, at 3 pm Next Sunday, day 14, the singer Luzia Dvorek launches on her official YouTube channel the clip of Looks Vício, unpublished song composed by Zeca Baleiro in partnership with Targino Gondim. The song is a duet with Zeca himself and … Read more

Unprecedented project values ​​training in Brazilian popular music for young orchestras from 24 February

Felipe Karam will share knowledge and experiences with young instrumentalists. Photo: Luis Ferreirah.

A cultural initiative “Violin in Choro”, starring violinist Felipe Karam, aims at the promotion and diffusion of genuinely Brazilian music Throughout its trajectory, violinist and composer Felipe Karam has been claiming the use of the violin in Brazilian popular music. Such a search, made him travel the world, performing on different stages, with … Read more

Registration open – Projeto Rota da Cultura starts online and free cultural workshops

Culture Route Project, poster - featured. Disclosure.

Check the details of the virtual concert meetings, Opera, dance and theater To welcome the arrival of 2021, the Sound Culture Route project, Cena e Corpo starts its activities from the day 18 January with free online workshops on the performing arts. With open enrollment, the meetings will take place until may, always … Read more

Christmas in pandemic time: Singer Ana Lélia comments on what it was like to work together, but at a distance

Ana Lélia, featured. Photo: Nath Millen / Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Due to the pandemic, singers had to come together virtually to re-record hit songs; Artist comments on difficulties and positive aspects of remote work The work routine of many people was affected this year 2020. That of singer and songwriter Ana Lélia also. Accustomed to meeting with musicians from around the world … Read more

Hotel Toriba, in Campos do Jordao, has a week full of good music

Amabile Quartet, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Hotel Toriba's schedule, the most musical hotel in Campos do Jordão, this week has many and varied special attractions. On Thursday, day 17, day when the world celebrates 250 Ludwig van Beethoven's birth year, the Amabile Quartet performs in the Sala da Lareira, to 19 hours. The Group, … Read more

Steve Vai, Hermeto Pascoal, Sérgio Dias and Eloy Casagrande participate in DMX Brasil

Hermeto Pascoal. Photo: Gabriel Quintão.

Event happens 9 to 11 December in digital format DMX - Digital Music Experience presents in December 2020 its 6th edition and in a new format. This year, the event will be online, with free transmission on its official YouTube channel and on the website www.dmx.art.br. In the days 9, 10 and 11 of december, big … Read more
