Coral Paulistano presents a concert in honor of Naomi Munakata

São Paulo Choir. Photo: rafael savior.

Conductor, who died in 2020, will receive homage in presentation on the next day 26 March, at the Municipal Theater of São Paulo. On the same day, the Camerata of the Experimental Repertoire Orchestra presents “Beethoven por le Himself”, at the São Paulo Arts Square, 21 March 2022 – The next day 26 March, at 8:0 pm, … Read more

Concertinhos de Eva returns to in-person cultural programming in Rio and offers music and Brazilianness to children and young people

Eve concerts 2022. Disclosure.

Deborah Levy and Daniela Spielmann present “Estação Brasil: Music Festival”, Saturday, 26, in the garden of the Eva Klabin House Museum, in Lagoa The Eva Klabin House Museum opens on Saturday, 26 March, at 4:00 pm, the project “Eva Concertos – 2022”. Para abrir a série de concertos que serão realizados ao longo do ano, … Read more

Praça das Artes hosts the Música Estranha Festival this weekend

Strange Music Festival. Photo: Marcello Vitorino.

Festival, which is in its ninth edition, arrives at Praça das Artes the next day 19 São Paulo, 16 March 2022 – Praça das Artes welcomes this weekend, 19 and 20 March, The ninth edition of “Music Strange Festival”. the presentations, free and open to the public, are focused on exploratory music … Read more

with registration on the Eventim website “Sonora: with registration on the Eventim website” with registration on the Eventim website

E.T. - the extraterrestrial. Photo: Disclosure.

Sonora: John Williams CCBB Brasilia De 3 of February to 4 March 2022 Free admission Unprecedented show highlights award-winning soundtracks by master John Williams with free screening of classics on the big screen The event also marks the reopening of the CCBB Brasília movie theater with a new look One of the composers of … Read more

Living on music in Brazil can be an uphill battle

DJ Ilka Oliver, featured. Photo: Brian Haider / Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Dj Ilka Oliver and music producer Mystical comment on the Brazilian cultural scene and the difficulties faced by artists on a daily basis Music is a constant part of the lives of millions of people around the world. Data from Veja magazine reveal that, in Brazil, in 2020, the number of subscribers to streaming platforms has arrived … Read more

Classical music directly from Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas throughout Brazil

Rosana Lanzelotte, featured. Photo: Camila Maia.

Created by Eva Klabin House Museum, cultural space in Rio de Janeiro, “Concertos de Eva” receives artist Rosana Lanzelotte for a recital in November with online broadcasting Cultural tip to note and save the date: the "Eve Concerts" is back! Sessions that extol the grace and lightness of classical music are … Read more

Orquestra Sinfonia Brasil celebrates Polish immigration with concerts in Brusque and Curitiba

Brazil Symphony Orchestra, Brazil Poland Ties. Photo: Disclosure.

Ties Brasil Poland welcomes the distinguished Polish pianist for concerts with the Orquestra Sinfonia Brasil, This weekend. Conducted by Norton Morozowicz, piano solos by Rafael Luszczewski, celebrate the 150 years of Polish immigration in Curitiba. Admission is free, secure your tickets over the phone 3225-6232 or via whatsapp 41.98739-6397. will be two … Read more

new cultural space, Regina Casillo Theater receives Ties Brasil Poland program

Gustavo Surgik, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Ties Brasil Poland Chamber music concert with international artists opens the Ties Brasil Poland program, This Thursday (28/10). There are four concerts in all, with artistic direction by Norton Morozowicz, that celebrate the 150 years of Polish immigration in Curitiba. The opening takes place at Teatro Regina Casillo, admission is free. the invitations … Read more

With adaptations and protocols, Camerata choir and orchestra return to the stage

With adaptations and protocols, Camerata choir and orchestra return to the stage. Photo: Disclosure.

After a year and eight months apart, the Camerata Antiqua Choir from Curitiba returns to the stage next to the Orchestra, This weekend, for the Crossings concert, in the chapel Santa Maria. Camerata is a musical group maintained by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba that has 40 musicians in full training. to return, … Read more

Project brings free and quality music to Ruas da Cidadania

Street of citizenship of Boqueirão. Photo: Disclosure.

Composers from Paraná are the highlights in presentations in the 10 Regionals Classical music will involve the Ruas da Cidadania in October and November. Are 10 free and open presentations to the community, one in each Administrative Region. The concerts are artistically directed by Vitor Andrade and take place within the Comvisão Paranaenses project: to … Read more