Bolhazul launches inspired clip in Manet's works

Scenarios built with recyclable materials give life to paintings Bolhazul The band drinks Impressionist source, Renaissance and Romantic in the video for "Manet", song that anticipates the group's first album to be released this year. Produced by Pupil, Junior Company UNB, the bold clip holds the screen a parallel between painting, music, dance … Read more

Camerata opens this week social program with free concerts

The Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba has free performances week in hospital and church. The programming is part of social projects of the group you want to bring classical music to those who do not have access. The schedule begins on Wednesday (14/03), at 10:30, at the Hospital. On Thursday (15/03) the presentation takes place at night, … Read more

Scholar merger with popular sets the tone of the 35th Curitiba Music Workshop

The 35th Curitiba Music Workshop will be open on Saturday (27), at 19h, at the Teatro Guaíra, with a concert that joins the Camerata Antiqua de Curitiba, Vocal Brasileirão, pianist Cristina Ortiz and singer Jane Duboc a tribute to composer Tom Jobim. A fusão entre a música erudita e a músicaRead more

Registration extended for the 35th music workshop

Entries for the 35th music workshop in Curitiba were extended for the day 16 of december. The Workshop, which happens to 27 from January to 8 February 2018, still has 47 courses with vacancies opened in the areas of classical music, old, música popular e nos cursos de musicalização nas Regionais daRead more

Weekend will be free performances at the Conservatory of MUSIC

Free brazilian music presentations make the shows next weekend, the Conservatory of MUSIC of Curitiba, a great option for the cultural curitibanos. On Saturday (25), at noon, the wind-based Orchestra, led by Sergio Albach, brings new arrangements for the main achievements of Pixinguinha, and on Sunday (26), to … Read more

Music Project, music lessons in school contraturno

Regionals Cajuru and Tatuquara offer music lessons for children and adolescents in school contraturno. The classes are part of the project Set, starting this semester and until the end of 2018 will reach all the city regional. A ação de descentralização do Conservatório de MPB visa intensificar o desenvolvimento infanto-juvenilRead more

Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba and Norton Morozowiscz honor Radamés Gnattali

Radamés Gnattali works will be performed by the Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba under the baton of maestro Norton Morozowiscz. The concert which takes place this Friday (10/11) at 8:00 pm and Saturday (11/11) às 18h30, account with Alexandre Razera, viola solos and Daniel's Mandolin Migliavaca. No Programa estão peças escritas paraRead more

Catherine Baba starts tour Music around the Corner on squares and Curitiba on Saturday

With the goal of bringing art where people are is that Aaron singer Barbosa will hold the shows of your new tour, "Music everywhere", in different squares and Curitiba terminals during the month of November. Will be 15 presentations by city. The show's opening will be next Saturday (04/10), at 4:00 pm, … Read more

Chapel Santa Maria receives 2 Festival Olga Kiun

Between the days 1 4 November the chapel Santa Maria will host the 2nd Festival Olga Kiun of Chamber music. In four nights of concert will go through the stage of iconic cultural space guest musicians from Brazil and abroad to perform classical works, muitas inéditas ou raramente tocadas emRead more

The Camerata concerts have free programming

Choir of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba has free presentations at hospitals and Church, This Thursday (26). The programming is part of social projects of the group you want to bring classical music to those who do not have access. The schedule starts at 10:30, in the Hospital Pequeno Príncipe, with a repertoire focused on children's works. At night, … Read more
