Jessica Pratt replaces Hibla Gerzmava at the Municipal Theater on Friday, day 15

Ministry of Citizenship, State Government of Rio de Janeiro, Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy, Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, Association of Friends of the Municipal Theater, Great Voices and Petrobras present: Jessica Pratt closes the debut season of the Great Voices series, along with the Symphony Orchestra of the Municipal Theater, no … Read more

Tribute to composer Fernando Lewis Mattos

A year after his death (in 4 th November of 2018), a recital within the Porto Alegre Book Fair program pays tribute to composer Fernando Lewis de Mattos. Professor of Ufrgs, he was a notorious reference in string instruments and the composer who most created pieces for recorder in the country, além de entusiastaRead more

Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro receives important expressions of Black Culture Amapaense

prayer shows, Praises and Batuques from Quilombo do Curiaú bring music produced with quilombola influence to the Rio audience. The Cultural CAIXA Rio de Janeiro gets 14 to 17 November (Thursday to Sunday) the artistic occupation Prayers, Praise and Batuques Quilombo Curiaú, with several artists Amapá. During these days, o público vaiRead more

Concerto – No fiber Gerzmava Theatro Municipal

Ministry of Citizenship, State Government of Rio de Janeiro, Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy, Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, Association of Friends of the Municipal Theater, Great Voices and Petrobras present: For the first time in Rio de Janeiro, soprano Hibla Gerzmava ends the debut season of the series Grandes Vozes, … Read more

OPERA FOR CHILDREN – days 5 and 6 November at the Teatro Riachuelo

La Belle Lisse Poire du Prince de Motordu In two unique presentations, no Teatro Riachuelo, days 5 and 6 November! Adaptação da obra "Beauty Smooth Pear Prince of Motordu", the famous author and illustrator "PEF", Pierre Elie Ferrier, a ópera conta a história de como as pessoas podem ser aceitas pela coletividadeRead more

Eduardo Climachauska makes performance with lyric tenor at the Earth's Core

The artist, composer and filmmaker Climate (Eduardo Climachauska) It presents day 5 November, Tuesday, at 8:0 pm, new performance at the Center of the Earth. Ride, Clown! It is a blend of performance and show with the participation of the opera singer Giovanni Tristacci, who will be representing Pierrot. Then comes a show with Climate own (voice … Read more

Chamber Orchestra presents Handel's operas with Marilia Vargas soil

In program dedicated to Handel Heroines, the Chamber Orchestra of the City of Curitiba performs symphonies and arias from operas Alcina, Rinaldo and Julius Caesar, with soprano solos Marilia Vargas and musical direction by Fernando Cordella. The concerts take place on Friday (25/10), at 8:0 pm, and on Saturday (26/10), às 18h30, in the chapel … Read more

Apprentice Chorus in the Leila Diniz Culture Room

The Apprentice Choir presents on 30 October, at 12:30, in the series "Concerts in the press", the room Leila Diniz. The entrance will be free. The Apprentice Program | Music in Schools – initiative supported by the Niterói City Hall - always presents its Reference Groups in the series of concerts Leila Diniz Culture Room, … Read more


The Baroque Music Center of Versailles (CMBV), the Baroque Orchestra of Unirio (BOTH), the Alliance Française, o Museu Nacional de Belas Artes e a Sala Cecília Meireles apresentam no mês de outubro a 5ª Semana de Música Barroca Destaques da programação, concert soloists OBU and special guests, além de masterclass sobreRead more

Singer Jay Vaquer performs with the Orchestra Rope Base

National Pop Rock, that style as well navigated by Orchestra Rope Base will be presented at the shows that take place in the days 12 and 13 October, in the theater of the Armory. The guest this time is Jay Vaquer, known for songs like Away from Here, Lack that lack does and can thank. The Artist … Read more
