Curitiba NGO makes Classical Music Concerts available on the internet

#culturaemcasa In order to encourage the consumption of classical and instrumental music, and NGO Unicultura, dedicated to cultural projects, will broadcast the concert Bravíssimo - A Magia da Voz Humana, on your Facebook page the day 23 April, to 20 hours. Reconhecendo o potencial transformador da arte em nossa sociedade eRead more

1the. Instrumental Music Festival Online – Among festival & listen

Organized by musician Joab Kings, It will happen today, 2ª.feira, Thursday, in the days 23, 24, 25 and 26 March, live on Instagram. The festival will bring together 50 Brazil's musicians, Portugal and the US and has a few names like: Solomon Smith, Daniel D'Alcantara, Edu Ribeiro, Marcelo Mariano, Gileno Santana, Michel Leme, Leandro Cabral, … Read more

MAR Music celebrates 7 years of the Rio Art Museum with unprecedented show of singer Siba

The Pernambuco presents for the first time in Rio de Janeiro album “owl Changes” Friday, 13 March – 18h Free admission | Rating: free The Museum of Art of Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, celebrates its 7th anniversary on March 1, along with the city of Rio. To celebrate, … Read more

First year of Music MAR receives the Charanga Talisman block

In an atmosphere of Carnival, the event also features a presentation by DJ Bruno Eppinghaus and has free entry Friday, 7 February, from 18h Classification: livre Os foliões já podem separar o glitter e a fantasia para a primeira edição do MAR de Música de 2020, que será em ritmo de Carnaval eRead more

Growing female presence in front of orchestras

Maestrinas gain space in the activity and may become mothers while investing in the career of Eight 20 attached to the Regency class Orchestra of the 37th Music Workshop are women. The number reflects the gradual increase in female presence in the field of orchestral activity, not only in Brazil but in the world, and the … Read more

Marcelo Delacroix new album shows Songwriters Festival in the Fon

Presentation of the day 28 January (Tuesday) will feature special guest appearances Continuing the II Summer Festival – Projeto Cantautores, singer-songwriter Marcelo Delacroix performs at Café Fon Fon, format voice and guitar, mostrando ao público as músicas de seu novíssimo disco Tresavento e algumas canções dos CDs anteriores. In the show's repertoire of the day … Read more

Apprentice Symphony Orchestra presents closing concert on Leila Diniz Culture Room

The Symphony Orchestra Apprentice (PART) It appears in the series of "Concerts in the Press" Leila Diniz Culture Room, on 11 of december, on wednesday, at 12:30. The event is part of the closing concert of the activities of 2019. Created in 2007, OSA is the main orchestral formation of the "Apprentice Program – Música naRead more

Orchestra Guerra-Peixe and Interculturalidades present in Leila Diniz Culture Room

For the third time playing together at Culture Room Leila Diniz, the Guerra-Peixe and Interculturalidades orchestras, formed by young musicians Apprentice Program | Music school, They present on 27 November, at 12:30, in another edition of the series "Concerts in the press", that take place every last Wednesday of the month. A Orquestra Guerra-PeixeRead more

In one presentation at the Sala Cecilia Meirelles Trio's concert Panossian, Wednesday, 27, ACE 20 Hours

The French Alliances of Brazil with the support of Air France and SPEDIDAM bring to Brazil, Jazz trio "Remi Panossian Trio", in a single presentation at the Sala Cecilia Meirelles, on wednesday, day 27 th November of 2019, at 8:0 pm. The jazz trio French Remi Panossian Trio (RP3) fará uma única apresentação naRead more

Coral Brasileirinho show features scenic-musical

From child to child, the scenic-musical spectacle Coral Brasileirinho will present stories and customs of the country in shows that take place over the weekend, Saturday (23/11) e domingo (24/11), às 17h, Teatro Guairinha. With songs that revive traditions, the nature and characters of Brazil, 20 children of 8 to 13 years, … Read more
